That is why we have also back our puppies with a 5-year health guarantee which you can read HERE: I stand behind my puppies even after that contract time is over, I recently refunded the purchase price of a dog that was 13 years old because of a leg issue that could have been simply the result of normal wear and tear. Small breeds such as the Cavachon tend to have much more extreme reactions to unexpected changes in diet, or lack of proper nutrition. Our bloodlines are a much sought-after recipe of exceptionally beautiful and very sound Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Bichon Frise, and Poodles. Whether someone buys a puppy from me or just reaches out for help with a health or training question for the puppy they bought elsewhere, its been my desire to be as genuinely helpful as possible and never forget how hard finding a puppy can be. Each of our parents have generations of health clearances so we expect them to live much longer than the average. That being said, while I love what I do, at times it does threaten to take every waking moment to keep up with it and Agathas too. You will find that the Cavachon has a certain level of dependability and loyalty, and this can lead to issues with separation anxiety if left alone for extended periods of time. You can edit the text in this area, and change where the contact form on the right submits to, by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom right. Life happens and in spite of any dog breeders best efforts, issues arise. Every Recherche Cavachon is trained early to be comfortable around others, both the pet and human variety! Our pedigrees include Best In Show winners in the first two generations! So in closing, hopefully, youve found answers to the questions you may have. Im passionate about helping puppies learn the essentials for growing up to be obedient and well mannered family pets and companions. This makes them great for those with allergies. I love choosing themes for litters and coming up with cute accessories to make people laugh, to help each puppys heart shine through for all the world to see. Express permission is required for use. But in general, you will find major health issues very uncommon with proper exercise and eating. We work with a few families who love dogs and thankfully, also have children for an added layer of socialization. On the other hand, they are not a high maintenance dog, and mostly just desire your presence to maintain their joyfulness. Puppies stay with their mothers for a full 8 to 9 weeks for the priceless training that only she can provide. When puppies leave momma and come home to Foxglove Farm, work begins on the basics that each puppy needs to learn before going to their new homes (at between 11 to 14 weeks). I found out decades ago that some breeders are unfortunately willing to throw away soundness and good health, not to mention temperament in the unending quest to win another title. All puppies are 1st generation, F1 hybrids. So many of our dear Puppy People would become good friends and adopt one two or even more dogs as the years went by. That being said, all the genetic testing in the world is not an absolute guarantee that puppies wont ever have a problem. Im always trying to improve our breeding, keeping beauty, health, and loving disposition at the top of my list of priorities. Fitting the right puppy with the right family is key, regardless of prizes won or the number of ribbons a dog has accumulated. Im no longer swayed by just fancy pedigrees. Nope. There was no high-speed internet then, only dial-up, it took eons to upload a single photo. A 3 to 4 times per week brushing schedule is recommended to maintain a healthy coat. The inevitable downside of that kind of audience is the literally thousands upon thousands (upon thousands!) (Sorry, if I start doing videos Ill have to clone myself). On this page are pictures of our adults and individuals from the pedigrees of our puppies. 2022 Recherche Kennels- All content and images are owned by Recherche Doodles and Recherche Kennels. Do you take your own puppy pictures? Yep! We specialize in producing mostly smaller Cavachons that will get under 12 inches and many times under 10 lbs full grown. Not only to share more about how we raise puppies, but allow a few hours in my day for living a slightly more normal life. History and Essential Information About The Cavachon. At this age puppies are mature enough to be able to sleep through the night, a key factor to making house training advance more quickly. The Cavachon lifespan can be anywhere from 10-18 years, though 12-13 is a fair expectation. A higher calorie density food is essential as well. After many years of raising all of our own puppies, we decided it was either time to retire or get help with daily care and whelping of babies. Ive seen it all, breeders who believed in such tight in-breeding that they would cross a father with his daughter, then breed the resulting puppy back to a 1st cousin to set a type, a Canadian lady of world renown in the dog scene laughed when I protested the numerous health issues that practice resulted in: You have to put up with a few bums to get the really top dogs! she scoffed I came away disillusioned but wiser, and decided years ago that breeding purebred dogs for the show ring was not worth throwing away common sense and the ability to raise puppies who genetically were able to live happy healthy lives, even if they had to be hybrids to do it! We only use purebred parents and never breed hybrid to hybrid. Youre going to love the Cavachon! Yes, and Ive invested several small fortunes in acquiring great dogs from both the US & Europe. I never dreamed that when building that first website with my literally almost nonexistent computer skills would take us on such a winding path to this place. Ive bought many puppies myself over the years and I sympathize with people trying to wade through the internet and find their perfect dog. A typical weight can be anywhere from 8 to 18 pounds, though its not uncommon for them to grow larger. Just like a dog show, its a canine beauty contest, the good breeder should be able to grade her puppies, to choose Pick of the Litter and the ones who while every bit as healthy and sweet tempered, fall just a bit short of perfection in the looks department. To save an enormous amount of time (and repeating myself a few thousand times more) Ive put the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions on this page. By the way, these kind of questions relating to general puppy care and training are ALL covered in my eBook New Puppy 101 along with my Bon Voyage email that comes with pictures and links after you purchase a puppy to make everything easy-peasy as pie! By the way, I dont share my bloodlines or pedigrees or registration information on any of my dogs, sorry, Ive worked hard to collect some really wonderful dogs and to breed what I consider are the most beautiful and healthy Cavachons and Cavapoos in the county. They can be rather curious, and can express a good amount of confidence despite their size. No, we dont use them in the breeding program, only purebreds. The Cavachon is a relatively healthy breed, which is common with hybrids. The Cavachon is a gentle breed who loves to play, making a great family pet. It varies from year to year. Im more than a little tired of seeing my photographs pop up on websites around the world and other kennels claiming to have the same lines as mine. I want each of my dogs (after being spayed or neutered) to be someones family pet and enjoy life on the couch after having raised and enjoyed their babies. Here at Recherche Cavs, each of our imported Cavaliers are smaller than many American Cavaliers. The Cavachon has a high metabolism and requires more calories per pound than most breeds, along with larger amounts of protein. One of the best features of the Cavachon is their mostly hypoallergenic coat. Without further ado, heres probably more about Foxglove Farm than you ever wanted to know! They are known to be a particularly healthy hybrid, which is a result of the superior genetics from both parent breeds being dominant (particularly when the parents are hand-picked for their health, as they are with all our litters). Also beneficial for puppies are the lessons they learn from littermates all help teach them everyday skills from bite inhibition to playing nicely with others. My goal is to do the very best I can by each puppy, no matter the age. They are typically referred to as a hybrid, or designer breed. One. The Cavachon is known for their playful and friendly demeanor. Our Cavachons come from some of the top King Charles Spaniels and Bichon Frise parents in the world, and our pups exhibit the best characteristics of both parent breeds. Sometimes it s a bit hair-raising when little people are in the mood to play not pose lol. Single. You can set your address, phone number, email and site description in the settings tab.Link to read me page with more information. Because of the dogs I founded a pet supplement company (Agathas Pet Wellness), become a writer of dog books, and dog stories for children, a how-to book for living life with a new puppy, and even dog blogs and tutorials on subjects like safe flea control and helping your dog stay healthy, who knew this journey would lead to so many ways to help people live better lives with their pets? As mentioned above, the Cavachon is a mix of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Bichon Frise. Who knew that Foxglove Farm would be visited by literally millions of people, either personally at the farm, or as digital visitors. They are lively and love having fun! Others will have several litters, but typically, at between 3 to 6 years of age mothers are simply not as fertile and their days of raising puppies are over. The Cavachon can come in a large variety of different colors, including both solid and mixed colors. Puppies who are not only healthy, but easy to train, who are, to the best of my ability, the most beautiful, the smartest, the very best puppies,,, on the planet! One day recently, I counted over 65 calls yikes! Sometimes a mother only has one litter and never has puppies again because of fertility problems. Their low-shed coat and small size make the Cavachon the perfect companion for homes of all sizes, and their training in ourPuppy Training Instituteensures they will be ready to join your family. But loving dogs isnt enough if you want to be a dog breeder, you must love people too. In addition, normal playtime around the house is recommended to keep them interested and sharp. That varies too. For quite a few years now, our adult dogs have lived in guardian homes. Below are some key points on the history of the Cavachon: The first Cavachons were bred in 1996 by a breeder in Iowa.The Cavachon is a mixed/hybrid breed, and as such is not recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), but is instead registered through the American Canine Hybrid Club. Each time I hold a sweet little fluffy bundle or send out a box of healing products I try to remember that being in the middle of such doggie goodness is a gift to be grateful to the Lord for, but balance is key for dog breeders as well as the rest of the human race. Every. A typical Cavachon only needs around 30 minutes of exercise each day, though they will gladly play longer than this, of course! But typically, you will find them in two color and three color variations such as sable and white, black and white, or apricot and white. If you enjoy dogs that like to play, the Cavachon is a perfect fit. We imported every one of our Cavaliers and Bichons from Europe to have a greater genetic diversity. Weve personally imported dogs from the very top European bloodlines, highlights include: The sire of one of our Cavalier males was sired by a WINNER of the impressive Cavalier King Charles Spaniel entry at Crufts! More than anything else, I want to raise wonderful puppies who bring much puppy joy to their new homes. My bloodlines like a cherished family recipe are carefully guarded and the result of years of exhausting work. I wont share how many or youll know my age but suffice to say that dogs have been a passion from childhood and continue to this day to fill my life with many blessings. Our puppies range in price according to conformation, coat, markings and yes, beauty. Our bloodlines include International Champions, sired by a top winner at prestigious Crufts. of emails and calls I receive (and make a valiant attempt to answer). It is important to maintain a consistent diet for the Cavachon. A thousand things go into judging a puppy, but having an eye for a dog takes decades to acquire, a good dog breeder can tell at a glance which puppies are the closest to her goal for a truly stunning puppy. I spent about a decade deeply involved in the world of dog shows, breed specialties, national breed clubs, you name it and I was a devotee of high-powered, expensive, and most of all, champion certifications and all the glamour that surrounds that world. Ive read every word and I just cant stop looking at your puppies! Foxglove Farm puppies have won the hearts of puppy lovers from the USA to Australia and almost every country in between. Ive dealt with some wonderful dog breeders and unfortunately, lots more who were just not very nice to deal with to put it kindly : (. Sometimes Im in the midst of growing out a couple of promising youngsters to add to the breeding program, occasionally, our parents are being retired on average, from 10 to 15. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel originates in the United Kingdom, and the Bichon Frise originates in Spain, while its popularity began in France. Most amazing of all, our puppies and products have found a worldwide audience, as one lady told me the other day, I love your website! One of the top winning Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in Europe! Foxglove Farm Cavachon And Cavapoo Puppies. If some of these questions seem odd, believe me, Ive been asked all of them, sometimes theyre peppered at me in rapid fire fashion by a zealous puppy seeker who forgets which time zone were in (EST) and rings up at midnight with a long list of burning questions that just cant wait till morning! Their smaller size means that even small fluctuations in weight can have noticeable effects on their temperament and health. At Foxglove they begin learning everything from grooming, nail trimming, bathing, walking on a lead, tethering, and the all important crate training and beginning potty skills and more. Our Bichons are also very small. Ive seen tiny litters with only 1 puppy, but on average 3 to 5 puppies. They can still experience many common health issues, such as heart disease, ear infections, hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, and others. A good breeder will of course do their best to ensure that their breeding stock is healthy and sound, its foolhardy to produce puppies from parents if they have a known genetic issue and I would quickly spay or neuter any dog in my breeding program who didnt have good health checks. The Cavachon is wonderful around children and other pets, but if possible, its best to introduce them to others and provide proper socialization at an early age. The Cavachon can grow as tall as 15 inches, but typically gets to around 12 inches or so, which is consistent with both parent breeds as well. My puppies yes, come at a premium, but I like to think that no one works harder to make buying a puppy such a pleasure. I spent my days on the phone with technical support, learning about hyperlinks and navigation menus, all completely unintelligible to this decidedly non-techy dog fancier. We love the Cavachon because of their loyal, friendly demeanor, and their bright personality. (over 1.31 million page views last year!) Of course. They love the affection and security of nuzzling up next to their owners. Soundness and loving and gentle temperaments are paramount and We do yearly genetic testing on all of our parents for hearts, eyes, hips, and patellas a word about genetic testing is important here too. But on the flip side, the Cavachon sleeps just as hard as they play, and are content to rest on or next to you for hours at a time if necessary. Thats a story for another day, suffice to say that I believe the healthiest dogs are produced by outcrossing, by breeding two totally unrelated parents who then genetically have much less chance of repeating their breeds genetic problems in their offspring because of the infusion of fresh bloodlines from a genetically diverse gene pool. At the end of the day, if you buy a puppy from Foxglove Farm or decide another breeder, I hope you find a puppy to make your dreams come true. For this reason, we put extra emphasis on our socialization program in our Puppy Training Institute. Puppy seekers can get distracted by pictures of parents, hoping to choose a puppy from this or that combination of parents which honestly isnt my goal in raising puppies. Their coat is usually wavy or curly, and quite silky, and can be medium to long in length. Ive been a dog lover, puppy trainer and expert on all things canine for decades. Last, of all, Ive always felt that matching the right family with the correct puppy was the ultimate goal. The first-generation puppies are believed to have the most benefit from the hybrid vigor that is the hallmark of the designer dogs. Poor Puppy People, are often in a tizzy of indecision and the questions come tumbling out so quickly, I can tell a great deal of anxiety comes with the perilous journey of finding a puppy. While Im happy that our bloodlines include many top-winning dogs including top winning of all-time European champions as well as American Kennel Club champions, some of the dogs Im most proud of came from a small kennel in Ireland and though they didnt garner the wins that their famous cousins did, they infused my puppies with beauty and sweetness of character as well as good-old-fashioned soundness of body and mind. My aim is to encourage people to open their hearts to the beauty and love that a great dog can bring. 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