space. Good question, you can read all about it in the section ahead. Some good watchdog breeds are Retrievers, Poodles, Chihuahuas, Labradors, and Terriers. Their friendly personality can prevent them from properly attaching the threat. While Labradors are large, strong, tenacious and courageous they typically dont make good guard dogs. Robbery averted. looked outside, there was a stranger going through our car. Labradors are loving and affectionate dogs. Many people use the words guard dog and watchdog interchangeably. The reality is that if you ask Are Labs protective? because you hope to turn yours into a guard dog, then you should reconsider? It makes for super cute Instagram photos, but the barking and growling is a problem when the neighbors come over for a visit. the Labs typically good disposition. They have the potential to be good with kids and visitors, but still attack intruders when you need them to. It can be aggressive at times, but only if it is really pushed to the edge. Check out these interesting facts about dogs and crime:if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'easyretrievertraining_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_7',138,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyretrievertraining_com-large-leaderboard-2-0')}; The frustrating fact is, the dog-factor is not the perfect Are Labs protective? Sometimes a good, strong bark is all you need to scare an intruder away. A large Labradors can be protective of people, places, or things. Farmers and ranchers often have dogs watching over their livestock to keep them safe from predators. Weve created this website, put in the research, done the legwork, and made the mistakes so that you dont have to! You can show your dog who is friendly, new, and allowed in your presence by proper training. They alert you to the problem but they dont deal with the problem. your house even though you have a dog in the home, you really dont know how your However, there is a practical distinction to be made. Because Labradors lack that mean-factor, I dont think they To train a lab to become a guard dog, you can reach out to an expert. The color of your lab doesnt indicate whether or not its protective. good chance that instead of the fight mechanism kicking in, your Labrador will However, that mean streak is not in them by nature. There are definitely ways to make a good guard dog out of a Labrador retriever. Labradors are very alert and attentive. A Labrador will come to the rescue, but to an extent. And, to an extent, I would have to agree. Labrador Retrievers (Breed Info, History, and Tips), 25 Dog Breeds Most Compatible with Labradors. A guard dog will bite and even attack if necessary. A good watchdog will keep an eye out and bark when there are strangers around. Its less time than you think, Disgusted by the idea of adopting a pet rat? Your Labrador is sweet, loving and affectionate. (Source). RELATED ARTICLE: LABRADOR RETRIEVERS: THE GUIDE TO COST, CARE, AND PROBLEMS. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Theyre affectionate, loyal, and cute as a button, but many wonder whether their large size and even larger personalities make them excellent guard-dog candidates as well. On the flip side, they have also been bred to be attentive with Train your dog to stop on command by telling him to attack, then holding him back and saying, stop., Have a friend put on the protective gear and stand a distance away, then tell your dog to, attack, and then, stop.. App. An article on Cove provides a long list of dog breeds that are well suited to the task of keeping your home and family safe. I had to dig into that part, a bit more. Well, yes, to a degree. Through theright training, a Labrador could even become a guard dog. On the contrary, a Labrador is gentle and loving. It is because of their manors and patience. make a good traditional guard dog. Labradors are loyal to their families and want to keep them safe. Most dogs are over-protective of their owners, which is why they wont hesitate to save them in the face of danger. Which makes you wonder, would he make a good guard dog?if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'lovingyourlab_com-box-2','ezslot_2',103,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-lovingyourlab_com-box-2-0')}; The short answer is, no because of their temperament and personality, Labradors do not make good guard dogs. They do however make good watchdogs. So whats the difference between the two? This site does not constitute pet medical advice, please consult a licensed veterinarian in your area for pet medical advice. Dogs get stuck (or tied) during mating because of the bulbus gland on the males penis enlarges to keep the dogs together for 3 to 30 minutes. Even so, you should never purposely provoke your dog. attacked in the presence of their dog. In this context, a dogs drive would be to eat food to stop feeling hungry. There is a reason why families trust their small children to be around these dogs in a variety of situations. How do I get my Labrador Retriever to stop eating poop? 5 simple remedies to treat an upset stomach, 8 adorable and practical dog bandanas that will make a statement, Bird training is a thing, and you need to try it with your feathered friend, Are bubbles in a fish tank a problem? Labradors are a great dog breed to keep in the family. If theyre not well trained, they may get bored with watching the house and begin nosing around the garden or something else. As puppies, Labrador Retrievers have been known to constantly bark and they may even be overly sensitive to the world they are being introduced to. You may also find that this breed works in law enforcement sometimes and Labrador Retrievers usually are bred to work as guide dogs. This can mean your son coming to visit, or it can mean a burglar. Also, you might wonder about where are Labs protective and where are they not. Instead, they alert you that there is something potentially wrong. Labradors are quite possibly the most loving dog you can own, which is why it isnt in their blood to attack. I am Brian Ricks and I have been around Labrador and Golden Retrievers as long as I can remember. A friendly tip, you could also train a friend to disguise themselves as an intruder to test if the dog reacts the way you want it to react. Their friendly personality is a notable trait, and its a perfect pick for a first-time dog owner. Most times, Labrador Retrievers will understand this and easily listen to the training that you are providing. alerted you to the danger. It will alarm you the best way it knows how to barking, lots and lots of loud barking. Well-trained: You dont want your guard dog attacking everyone who walks past your fence, but you also dont want them to back down from a fight when a fight is necessary. 3 Major Factors. Most criminals are watch dog. retrievers. the trick. Lucky for you, it is a quick learner. bred for the purpose of fighting and you cannot train that breeding out of a However, you should make sure Moses only uses his guard dog skills when they are absolutely necessary. Watchdogs tend to be aggressive, so youll want one that is also safe for your family. They may bark at the person or thing that threatens you, but this is as far it goes. To get a better understanding of a Labradors aggressive and passive behavior, you got to learn more about theirpersonality. In the past, Moses may have even caused you trouble when you were out in social situations because he may have wanted to alert you of things while you were out and about. More specifically, dig deep into their instincts and drives. Another thing to consider is when are Labs protective and how they express that trait in those moments. For exampleand I know that I am going to catch grief for Labs usually very friendly with almost every person they meet and they dont consider anyone a stranger for long, especially if they happen to have a treat with them. You cannot take commitment and loyalty out of your dog and you should not want to. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Personality, training, and even the right rewards can be important factors in whether a dog can guard or alert. It is not uncommon for Labs to have a favorite toy and be irritated when a person or another dog starts to play with it. A guard dog is trained to protect the property or the people. In fact, Moses is extremely protective over you and your home. While it might be possible to train one to be a guard dog, they are not usually the best choice because they want to make friends with everyone. It is not trained to attack the threat. You will need to do something more, to keep it from using its energy elsewhere aggressively chewing toys. Its easy to see why Labrador retrievers make such popular pets. A Quick Guide. A good guard dog is trained to be in the middle of the spectrum. Put your hand in front of the dogs face and say attack. defines the word watch as to be alertly on the lookout, look attentively, or observe, as to see what comes, is done, or happens. Putting it simply, a watchdog watches. It may fit the physical requirements, but it fails at the mental requirements. Get answers fast from a veterinary professional 24/7 in the Wag! Labrador Retrievers are not good guard dogs, although they can be trained as guard dogs. We may direct you to retailers such as Chewy or Amazon that provide us with a tiny commission on resulting sales. Income School LLC also participates in affiliate programs with Bluehost, Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. Someone else will be doing the problem-solving for you, but you still need to put in the practice hours with your Labrador retriever. They have incredible traits that endear them to parents and owners of all ages. A Labrador will usually sound the alarm if there is a stranger (or even a leaf blowing across your lawn!). They are aware if something is amiss. Even on the scale of best breeds for watchdog duty, Labradors and Golden Retrievers were ranked low on the likelihood that they would bark at things watchdogs should bark at. If that is all you want then a Labrador is a great dog for you! opportunists and they are looking for the easiest home on the block. Before I go into the details, lets clarify the difference between instincts and drives. This may lead you to wonder, again: are Labs good guard dogs? Even if you decide to only take the watchdog route with your pup, you should never take these lessons lightly. Sometimes this can get a little annoying, as they will bark at anything and everything they see as a threat- a person, a car, the mailman, a fly. the overall aggressive nature of the breed. For example, they can make a great alarm system. This could be motivating enough (alongside plenty of praise, playtime, and treats, of course) to get your pup through all of the necessary training to become an efficient watch or guard dog. Before even thinking about that, though are Labs good guard dogs? it is just not in their personality. They are also very gentle dogs. I can think of multiple examples when my Labs tendency to bark has short-circuited someones plans of mischief. With guard dogs, the bigger and the more intimidating, the better. basis in the home or in the field on hunts, Labs are not usually protective to the point of A guard dog, unlike its counterpart the watch dog, is If you are not home and a stranger comes into your house, your dog is going to protect the house like it is your life at stake because of his extreme loyalty. Labradors are very popular pets, but do they make good guard dogs too? Over the last 50 years, trainers have bred Labradors to be What we are talking about here is not a guard dog. Labradors are not that way by nature. And since Labs are incredibly smart and often responsive to rewards traits confirmed by a 2006 publication by canine behavior researcher Stanley Coren you may find success with learning the appropriate skills. This depends on its temperament. Reinforce the behavior with rewards like affirmations and treats. Female Labradors: How Are They Different? What you need to know is that it has a stable temperament and a good nature. As the most popular dog breed in the US, as listed by the American Kennel Club, Labrador retrievers are revered for their outgoing and friendly personalities. If you want to learn more about Labradors protective behavior, read ahead. To do this, you can use everyday situations like eating and walking to train them to respond to your command. Like many canine questions, the answer isnt a simple yes or no. Save 30% on your first Autoship Order with Chewy! meanness factor. Check out this video about a Yellow Labrador and a Pit/Labrador mix. To be clear, when I say a lab is willing to protect, I mean that it will bark, or under some rare circumstances attack. There are tons of factors that affect a pups ability to alert and protect many of which have to do with their breed so its important to do your research before diving into the deep end of this process. She never This will help it get familiar with the area you want it to protect. To answer the question, if Labradors can be guard dogs, my answer is, a no. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'easyretrievertraining_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',162,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyretrievertraining_com-banner-1-0')};There are times and places that will bring out the protective nature of your Lab. Which Lab is Best Yellow, Chocolate, or Black? the Golden Retriever or Labrador Retriever because they do not have a mean They are trained to be on the lookout for danger and to defend against it. A guard dog is normally big in size, to appear more threatening to the attacker. (, How much should my Labrador weigh? Yet, if your dog spots something that seems unsafe and you are unaware of it, you may want to allow your dog to act as a guard dog. You can train Moses to interpret certain social situations properly, so he does not attack or bark at anything and everything that comes near you and your family. The content on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. Labradors were bred to hunt, and they can be easily trained. Labs are no different. Remember, bigger and more intimidating is better. To get started, practice plenty of obedience training and bonding with your Lab while you search for a professional trainer who can guide you through the process safely. their eyes, ears, and nose when hunting birds. Lassie doing in those old black and white TV shows. Unlike a watchdog, they are notalwaysalert. To conclude, I would say, it is clear that Labradors are just not cut out to be aggressive. It is a that make them unsuitable for guard dogs. The results were not pretty if you are one of those that are counting on your Labrador for protection. guide dogs. If they feel you are being threatened they could very well defend you, but it is not in their nature to readily attack. she started barking at something in our neighbors backyard. The reality is that most Labs are not always that I believe their favorite breed is not protective. Some Labrador-lovers are going to be indignant to the fact This can help when you are teaching your dog what life situations are safe and unsafe for you and your family. Your trainer will be able to make the best suggestions based on your Labs behaviors, but you may want to think about whether your pup would make a better watchdog or even just a companion instead. Generally, a Labrador doesnt have it in their nature to attack someone. Labrador Retrievers are bred to be loyal dogs. To get a better understanding of how you can train the Labrador, you will need to dig deeper into their personality. the house altogether. Most of them are outgoing and friendly. Yet, it is important to know that this dog breed will not act aggressively towards their family, which you may have noticed in Moses. The other experience was six years ago. No, they are not the same thing. Some of the mellow protective behaviors in a Labrador suggest that it could become a guard dog. does not mean that every breed was created equal when it comes protecting a This one feature of breeding actually decreases Dont worry; it will not hurt anyone, Labradors are too friendly to do that. Both dogs were tested in a protection situation. So, even though, they are naturally good-natured, you can easily train them to be good guard dogs. Labs are great guard dogs.. Americas most popular breed, Labradors, are known for their good nature. I admit that there are other ways for Labs to be protective Some Labs are protective of particular people in the family. that a protective tendency is something that you should encourage when it comes There are many factors that go into a good and effective guard dog. Labradors can be trained to be decent watch dogs. Any dog will bite under certain circumstances, but when threatened, a Labrador is more likely to retreat and let you be the defender. Unlike a guard dog, a watchdog is only meant to keep an eye out for any dangers. multiple reasons. On the other hand, you do have a loyal and friendly pet that will do anything for you. You may have seen or heard about businesses that leave guard dogs on patrol to guard their property at night. Its surprising, I know! like its thing is being approached. It can learn commands much easily as compared to other dog breeds. They are trained as puppies and learn to act as an assisting leader for their owners early on in life. Unlike watchdogs, which will only bark at strangers, guard dogs will attack. Yet, that does not change the fact that your dog is protective over you. All prices and ratings on this site may change and those considered valid are displayed on Chewy/Amazon,, Could a Labrador Retriever be a protection dog? They will bark to keep you safe and they are wonderful and affectionate family dogs. They are very friendly towards people and other animals. It would rather be petted by the intruder than to attack him/her. find unlocked doors. The first experience was when I was a little boy. What are a dogsinstincts and drives? So, while your lab will protect you, how far is it willing to go? You can let them roam freely around children, without any worry. providing an incredible service. Labrador retrievers are friendly, so its difficult to teach them to be defensive. steady when their prey is shot. They are also quite intelligent. We had a dog that would sit by our little girls bouncer. Labrador weight charts. This is one of the reasons they make great watchdogs. Then, every time a dog barks to inform you about someone coming near the house, give it a treat. But it can always be trained to be a good guard dog. The short answer is, yes. supports the idea of buying a dog that has been bred for generations to do what if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'lovingyourlab_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',118,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-lovingyourlab_com-medrectangle-3-0')}; According to Wikipedia, a guard dog is a dog that is trained, to guard against, and watch for unwanted or unexpected people or animals. The Merriam-Webster definition says that a guard dog is a dog that is trained to protect a place. If you want to know more about the Labrador Retriever in general, you can read more about theirtemperament and traits by clicking on the link below. A small mistake can have big consequences, after all, so we cant recommend trying this on your own. In these situations, the dogs were actually acting as watchdogs not guard dogs. If you are looking for a guard dog, thenyou probably should not get a Labrador. That is just not in their nature. However, if that doesnt work, a guard dog will attack and hold their ground. We love our Labrador, Trooper. Even though its not in their nature to be a guard dog, you can train it to be one. You can sleep at ease, knowing that the lab is on the lookout. Most watch dogs, however, will back up or retreat once they have Your black lab will still be that same playful dog with no worries about the world. Each house and family is different. You may have a very protective Lab that makes a great guard dog. So whats the difference, and which job is a Labrador Retriever best suited for? According to, a watchdog is a watchful guardian. Your dogs unique, individual traits, however, do not change what I will say about the breed in general. I will explain the difference below. Even Chihuahuas are good at protecting your homemaybe even better than Labsbecause they are so noisy. A walk around the block wont be enough to tire it out. If you are interested in training your family Labrador to be a guard dog, it is possible. First, when I think of a guard dog, I am not talking about If you dont want to go with an expert and plan to do it on your own, follow the steps below; What is step 6? They often bark a lot. family. Now it is time to teach the dog to bark on command. That is not to say that they are not loyal or affectionate to their owners. It wont jump out at an intruder or attacker, but it may bark at it to protect you. For more in-depth information on this, see our article, How Smart Is My Black Lab? when it comes to protection and guarding your home. The best breeds, if this is something you desire include: This information comes from the book The Perfect Puppy: They love to run around with people and interact with them. Not according to this video. They were bred to catch small birds or even dear, but not people. However, they will not engage or attack. It all comes down to training and personality. something is out of place or there is a threat present. Whether or not you decide to pursue watchdog training with your Labrador retriever, you can rest assured that you have one loyal, fun-loving friend on your hands. A Labrador is really easy to train because it can quickly learn all sorts of tricks. Did you find this article helpful? if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'lovingyourlab_com-banner-1','ezslot_3',122,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-lovingyourlab_com-banner-1-0')}; Sometimes watchdogs are referred to as alarm dogs because they sound the alarm. However, it really comes down to your labs temperament. People are too familiar with their cheery temperament The reality of this question is that some Labs make great guard dogs while others are more likely to lick a perp than to bite him. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I love the connection that I get with a dog from working together in the field or just goofing around at the lake. that there had been a suspicious man snooping around the neighborhood trying to I go into the details, lets clarify the difference between instincts and drives owners of all ages Chocolate! 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