Willy Cat 14 years 03/09/06 Gloria Wallaby Domestic Shorthair (Tortie) Cat 1982-1994 Heather Bricklin Wally Cocker Spaniel 10 years 10/12/00 Joann Wilba Guinea Pig 06/08/05 Mary Walker Yellow Lab 12/98-02/12/07 Cheryl Munyer Wylie Pembroke Welsh Corgi 13 years 04/08/09 Michele Wolfie DLH White Cat 19 years 02/19/17 Beckie and Andy Woo-Woo Calico (Hemingway) Cat 9 months 04/15/04 Cecilia Yusko Winston Yorkie 05/17/91-07/27/99 Barbara Sherburne Wimpy Dog 17 years 01/23/92 Dorothy Haslop Wendell Black Cat 19+ years 12/28/06 Tony Willie Pembroke Corgi 4 1/2 years 12/31/03 Denise Walker German Shepherd 9 years 11/02/13 Gretchen & Ralph Whoopi Miniature Schnauzer 01/29/07 Kym and Peta Whistlejack's the Power of One Australian Shepherd 02/25/98-02/06/12 Marion Winston Dog 2006 Jennifer Spruell Worf Choc. Walter Cat 17 years 03/01/11 Rich D Wallace Dog 2 years 12/07/05 Kate Wisky Rat Terrier 06/17/02-09/21/05 Clare, Jordan and Mark Winston Cat 02/14/93 Carla Whoopi Bullmastiff 08/22/94-03/19/02 Kristin Kiernan Wires Jack Russel Terrier 12/15/00-01/04/02 S Woof-Woof Tabby Cat 16 years 01/05/99 Farely Winnie the Pooh Tabby Cat 05/23/01 Pila Westin Cairn Terrier 12/21/05 Penny Wintston Cocker Spaniel 7 years 01/16/09 Adam White Kitty Domestic Cat 6 years 05/31/06 Carol & John Barnick Willy Dachshund 02/14/87-07/28/03 Steve Jalbert Wiley Siberian Husky 10/10/86-04/02/03 Debs Boone Willy Golden Retriever 08/12/04-08/21/12 Libby Wylie Amerson Siberian Husky 03/29/94-06/29/06 Nicole Amerson Whiskers Tabby Cat 1996-06/07/14 Randy Whiskey Tuxedo Cat 06/99-09/07/17 Paul / Deb Wilkins Wystan Cat 18 years 08/30/03 Dagmar Achtelik Whitney 'Bootski' Metzker Cat 03/22/95-05/30/12 Carolyn and Mike Metzker Ernst Wesley Beagle 03/04/09-01/13/16 Melissa, Eric, Dylan and Shane Willow Cat 01/07/00-16/07/14 Angela Gaffney Weezie Shih Tuz 01/31/05 Vicki Winston Collie 07/18/98-02/28/02 Delores Britton Wee Willie Blue Masked Lovebird 12/01/97-01/07/98 Crystal Vredenburg Whitney Tortie Cat 04/11/97-11/20/09 Karen McNeill Wingnut Rabbit 24/08/99 Bev & Marc Doyle Winston English Bulldog 08/06/05-05/16/09 The Madden's & The Clair's William Rough Collie 03/01/90-02/26/05 Anna McLaughlin and Neil McLaughlin Windsor Domestic Shorthair Cat 05/05/84-04/19/01 Janet Whitey Border Collie/Retriever 08/11/03-03/07/10 Megan Willa Mitchell Pug 09/12/07-05/18/20 Kelly and Anthony Mitchell Wiley German Shepherd/Golden Retriever 12/04/98-12/13/00 Joanne Casteel Whiskers Cat 9 years 05/03/05 Lisa Wylie Burrows Pembroke Welsh Corgi 10/04/00-11/04/09 Tracey & Carl Burrows Willow Golden Retriever 4 years 02/27/12 Pat Gore Wellington (Welli) Yorkshire Terrier 01/16/86-02/13/98 Cari Moreno Will Fields English Springer Spaniel 10/12/98-05/26/12 Lin & Pat Fields Willow Brown Tabby 10/92-04/13/07 Eileen Crowley Wiskers Cat 18 years 05/29/10 Robert Hyman Watson Boxer 28/01/02-28/01/10 Sheryl Walter Cronkhite DSH Gray/White Tuxedo Cat 8 years 12/18/20 Janet/ Northport Rescue Shipped quickly ,exactly as depicted and well packaged. Weston Shorthair Domestic Cat 13 1/2 years 06/10/16 Bert and Amy Hubbard William (Num Num'S) Rabbit 2001-07/29/05 Gail Laviolette Wally Schnauzer 06/14/97-01/24/12 Allen & Debbie Brant Watson English Mastiff 02/13/96-11/08/04 Stacy Wuffy Shih Tzu 12 years 10/30/10 Paula Whisper Cocker/Lab 02/93-09/21/08 Gene Rosenkoetter Wazzle Newfoundland/Labrador 17 years 2000 Charlotte Morris Willie Thomas Kennedy Domestic Long Hair Cat 06/23/87-01/23/07 Sara Mr. Biggs) Domestic Short Hair Tuxedo Cat 12/2004-08/31/09 Kristine Julien Wotan German Shepherd 05/09/89-03/16/98 Tricia Normand Whiskers Mixed Cat 11 years Michelle Bishop Willie Boyd Bassett Hound 12/25/98-08/24/12 Michelle Boyd Wolfie White long haired Cat 10/01/95-06/16/95 Gabby Perez Winky Min Pin/Chihuahua 06/15/09-11/19/18 Harolyn Davis Wendy Cocker Spaniel 02/15/85-07/05/01 Bob and Sharon Dockstader Wynston Doyle DSH Cat 3 1/2 years 22/01/20 Cheryl Doyle Wrigglee Dog 08/17/88-08/18/03 Kristie Wesley Golden Retriever 03/15/07-08/25/19 Michelle Wolfie (Wolfgang) Cat 11 months 09/24/97 Robert D'Abadie Wiley English Springer Spaniel 07/17/94-07/21/09 Annette Snow Wesley Dog Best Friends Animal Sanctuary Whitney Towanda Houston Herring Lab/Border Collie 02/13/91-10/06/00 Mark and Char Wags Poodle/Jack Russell 12 years 12/23/10 Rachel Klass Willie M. Sheltie 05/12/96-02/11/01 Stacy & Kraig Rihn, family Whitey Keeshond 12/87-09/19/01 Casey and Michelle Wilby Old English Sheepdog 10 years 08/02/06 Marcia Willow Whippet 05/19/88-08/04/00 Robin Woosti Tabby Cat 11/01/99-10/21/10 Amanda Prosser Winston Bull Mastiff Mix 12/01/91-04/01/02 Shea & Sherry White Kittens (4) 07/29 and 08/03/03 Karen Winston Cat 3 years 04/87 Mary B. Castor Woodchuck Border Collie/ Springer Spaniel 03/02/05-05/16/18 Deanna Bozek Wendie Lou Peek-a-Poo 09/09/75-11/15/93 Belinda Sullivan White Cat 12 years 12/17/07 Jay and Cheryl Peaslee Wally (Walter ChronCat) Cat 14 years 01/29/98 Ron, Jen, and Diane Salmon Winny Arab Welsh Horse Natasha Guest Wally Bichon Frise 13 1/2 years 02/22/10 Delaney B Willie Boston Terrier 06/16/82-05/17/97 Megan Winchester York Yorkshire Terrier 17 years 11/21/05 Victoria York Wally GSD 15 years 09/18/06 Irene Crowley Woodi Mixed-Terrier 05/88-07/03/99 Tma Wizbe (Pillow) Mellentine Cat approx 6 years Logan Winston Cocker Spaniel 03/01/95-08/30/03 Konnie Winston Collie 14 years 05/23/08 Penny Freeman Worzel Cat 7 years 07/30/00 Rebecca Windy Old English Sheepdog 1980-1987 Janice Ledbetter Wesley Pug 04/26/93-06/24/97 Robin Weegee Ferret 12/14/90 Paige Winnie Old English Sheepdog 01/02/94-11/15/01 Ruth Weasel Grey Tabby Kitten 05/18/06-08/10/06 Lou Ann Ganshorn Weasel Minature Collie & Shepherd 05/87 Gloria & Leon Knight Wendy Sheltie Mix 6 years 10/13/03 Patsy Wheeler Whiskers Cat 11 years 08/25/00 Deb and Chet Shuck Wilbur Bassett/Coon Mix 03/23/95-01/23/09 Oma Wrinkles Shar-Pei 03/04/01-02/22/05 Bonnie Bardos Winkie Dog Lisa Wrigley Blue Tick Hound 07/11/99-11/06/99 John Ingram Winston (Winnie, Win) German Shepherd/ Greyhound 02/02/98-10/10/08 The Mahoney Family Webster Dog 02/14/98 Holly Weezie Dachshund 08/89-01/15/99 Amy Franklin Willie Sheltie 06/11/90-03/24/04 Alice & Scott Ingram wee Sleekit Burmese Cat 07/01/07-06/19/09 Tiffany Bouchard and Douglas Goins Winston Yorkie 06/10/05-05/28/06 Devon and Shawn Whitney Rotteiler 12 years 08/08/02 Marilyn Mullins Winston The Pug Pug 02/21/02-01/24/11 Sara Dingess, aka Wesa Woody Golden Retriever 12/12/87-01/05/97 Brenda Rojas Winnie Mix 9 years 01/30/05 Barb Geitz and Al Reisner Warner Persian Mix Cat 15 years 09/06/09 Pam Messori Wrigley Bichon Friese 14 years 8 months 10/26/18 Erin Gordon Winston Cat 5 years 06/23/05 Sherri DeVaun Wolfie Keeshond 05/01/95-10/17/06 Esther E. Stalker Whiskers Mix Cat 1987-01/22/03 Annette & John Hicks Webster Dachshund 1986-02/13/04 Misty Shane Wendy Miniature Schnauzer 11 years 03/06/00 Lara Little for Mom & Steve Wiskers Longhair Cat 07/11/02 Elizabeth Draghiceanu Woodrow Cotton Britches (Woody) Domestic Shorthair - Tabby Cat 03/01/86-09/21/01 Susan and David Holmes Maybe I wont feel so guilty the next time I sneak some delicious Milk Duds into the movie theater. Wishbone Great Pyrenees/Golden Retriever X 02/15/10-04/10/22 Suzette and Chris Cowan Winston Ott Pug 06/21/06-12/2006 Linda and Brian Ott Wendy Pekeapoo 09/18/86-05/02/99 Maria Wildflower White Domestic Shorthair Cat 16 years 10/04/96 Annie Welch Wookie Shih Tzu 07/05/90-10/31/03 Christine Fusare Winnie Black Labrador Retriever 09/09/94-04/04/06 Katie Abrams Winnie Terrier 14 years 02/17/04 Stephanie Ladd Whiskers Shorthair Black Domestic Cat 16 years 08/01/11 Halmos Family Winneferd Cockapoo Mix 10/11/11-05/31/19 Karen Willow Nanday Conure 11/08/02 Haley C. Wakka Shih Tzu 14 years 08/11/06 Mary and Jeff Webster Cat 05/19/84-08/06/04 Jill Westie (Aragorn's Western Investment) Cardigan Welsh Corgi 16 years 10/29/02 Diane Erdely Winnie Rabusin English Springer Spaniel 17 years 02/16/09 Kerry & Steve Rabusin Winnie Chi-Crested Dog 09/14/13-01/21/15 Mom and Paige Whisper Teacup Poodle 12/12/09 Greg Welch Wolfie Siberian Husky 06/19/07 Lisa, Rhonda, Ron and Don William Labrador 06/20/99-10/29/10 Verity Worthington <3. Wouldie Lynx Point Cat 16 years 10/16/10 Frances Nomura Willie Black and White Tuxedo Cat 13 years 10/13/01 Susan Mauch Woody Shih Tzu/Pekingese 04/08/12 Karen Johnson Whisper Sheep Dog 20/03/16 Fran O Byrne Winston Cat 11/17/00-10/17/16 Laurie Waylon English Bulldog 12/16/09-01/10/15 Stacy & Blake Willie Pug 02/03/87-02/07/97 The Johnsons Whulphie Black & White Cat 04/15/96-03/04/11 Vicky Seymour Wolfta German Shepherd/Huskie 8 1/2 years 07/26/03 Jack Caviness I used it yesterday on a letter. Weenie Cat 07/23/13-06/02/22 Catherine Willie Monarch Tabby Cat 13 years 08/02/04 Benay Weebles Chihuahua 01/27/94-01/12/06 Denell Tyler Woofer Schipperke 09/10/96-01/31/05 Jeanne Miller Woody Bear Lab/Shepherd Mix 01/01/98-09/12/08 Ray/Kathi/Eirik/Amber/Josh/Jahnae Wimp Dog 12 years 02/19/02 Mike Rodden Whimpy Dog 03/22/02-01/02/13 Kim Crotty Weebles American Short Hair/ Polydactyl Cat 08/20/04-04/12/11 Bethany Lynch Willie Domestic Shorthair Cat 04/01/95-08/04/11 Karen Winnie Virginia Cahall Beagle 09/01/13-01/22/18 Suzanne Cahall Woody Golden Retriever 07/06/04 Julie Roth Whiskers Dog 05/27/80-07/19/98 Nancy Waggie Woo Bichon 07/06/05-11/03/11 Kathy Ives Willie Beagle 12/27/97 Kay & Clark Whiskers Cat 07/21/02-05/09/05 Robert Slamon Willy T Golden Retriever 6 years 03/18/14 Kay Pereira Whizzer Labrador 04/07/96-17/09/08 Lynne & Steve Gordon Willy Collie/Shepherd 07/07/06 Jean Harris Whitie White Shorthaired Cat 20 years 01/31/99 Linda Gardner Worms, Indy, Baby Worms Cat 2004 Mike Gill Wewe Tuxedo Cat 5 years 09/01/14 Calebro Family Winnie Cat 05/25/01 Lindy Hudis Wyld Spirit Golden Retriever 01/13/00-12/09/12 Susan Myers Weedy Cocker Spaniel 10/16/98 Deborah L. Wendy Cocker Spaniel 12/01/92-08/05/05 Brenda Werner Dachshund 07/20/96-03/22/05 Randy Mayhew Willie Cat 14 years 11/27/17 The Wilcoxon Family Webster Franklin Hernandez Boston Terrier 13 years 03/11/05 Aurelia Hernandez Winnie Snoddy Shih-Tzu 5 years 08/30/11 Richanne (Nana) Moore Winston Black Lab 09/05/98-01/16/10 Jane Peters Willow Terry Mix 14 years 05/04/04 Caron Whitney Cat 06/06/99-03/21/11 Ellen M. Buhl Winston She Poo 04/04/00-02/24/11 Patti Prentice Willie Maine Coon Cat 04/97-08/27/06 Ammie Bryant Windy Pena Siberian Husky 03/18/13 Tony Wrinkles Cockatiel 12/21/03 Brandy Wickey Husky/Shepherd 02/88-07/19/02 Deanna Bliuvas & Gordon Fladby William Cat 02/10/06 Anne and Ivor Bowyer Wiley German Shepherd 11 years 05/05/00 Mom & Dad Wendl Winston Yorkie 07/04/93-09/20/09 Paul Alfano & Ronald Karl Winston Shetland Sheepdog 10/23/94-09/29/03 Mary and Allen Pankopf Winston Choc. Wilhelm Standard Dachshund 04/29/94-11/04/07 Jan & Bob Wally Yellow Lab 01/03/95-02/07/06 Dave Listello Whiskers Mixed Terrier 09/88-03/11/03 Thomas J Arty Wallace Labrador Retriever 02/15/98-07/31/07 Nadine Wilma Bearded Collie 04/18/91-04/10/04 Carol Bausser Wilma Domestic Short Hair Cat 12/30/94-04/13/10 Tammara Mejia Wanda German Shepherd 04/11/88-21/01/00 Dave & Christine Ditchburn Winky Mostly Bichon 1994-06/09/10 Steve Dufour William Holland Rabbit 29/72/05 Gail Laviolette Wednesday Terrier 06/94-02/03/07 Guy Schifano Weezie Cat 08/01/92-05/23/08 Ann M. Savage Wally Shi Zu 10 years 12/09/14 Angela Salstrom, Payge Stratton, James Webster Wilbur Cat 12 years 09/76-01/24/88 Rita & Michael Romansky Wilson West Highland White Terrier 05/97-08/09/10 M/M Hazlett Windy Belle Starr American Cocker Spaniel 02/02/91-07/02/07 Rudy, Jason, Donna, Dan Starr Windsor Poop Beagle 16 1/2 years 10/17/02 Mary Ann & Jeff Wiffel Bunny 01/29/97-06/09/02 Kelli Whiskers Domestic Cat 9 years 09/18/99 Thomas Golden Winston Dachshund 11/18/00-02/16/12 Maryjane Smith Widetrack Poodle 05/82-08/16/97 Denise and Mark Wizard Collie 11 years??? Willie DSH Tuxedo Cat 11/97-04/12/13 Phil C. and Gurmit D. William Shelter Mascot Cat 08/24/99 Barbara Gunvaldsen Wrinkles Pit Bull Terrier Mix 12 years 01/09/98 Claire Shehan Waldo (Wally) Shepherd/Retriever Mix 16 years 10/25/99 Janice Winnie Persian Cat 11 years 04/18/08 Ken Thatcher & Cindy Fritz Whiskers Cat 11 years 06/27/09 Deirdre Cassidy Wolf Dog Vietnam Wolfe Miniature Schnauzer 12/24/80-06/18/94 Erich Kost Woody Westie 05/15/91-10/15/02 Tracy K Wilson Chocolate Labrador Retriever 10/11/08-04/23/14 Alex & Kay Fox Woody Black Long Hair Cat 11/21/11 Sonya Diaz Whiskey Cocker Spaniel 14 years 5 months 03/25/06 Irene Hinton Winston English Springer Spaniel 14 years 12/13/07 Kathy Windsor Brittany Spaniel 04/16/95-07/20/08 Tani Woody Border Collie 13 years 11/27/13 Laurence Woody Mysthill's Woodwynde English Cocker Spaniel 12/28/88-04/04/05 Susie Lafever Whulphie Cat 05/05/96-03/04/11 Vicky Whiskey German Shepherd/Lab 06/28/05-07/06/09 Melissa Webster Maltese 03/10/90-07/15/01 David Ozag William Newfie/Golden Retriever 6 years 02/24/12 Susan McDowell Willow DSH Cat 2005-06/05/15 Jane Wee Chapter Two MS B&T (Lacey) Miniature Dachshund 10 years 01/24/00 C. Winnie Lab Mix 01/01/92-11/20/98 Jennifer Wynnie Lynx Point Siamese Cat 14 years 06/10/10 Kristin, Michael & Cokie Wrigley Siberian Husky 11/20/88-10/31/06 Rick, Kelly, Braden and Marino (Theee Dog) Willie Grey Shorthair Cat 17 years 10/24/08 Marilyn Wooley Bichon Frise 11/02/83-08/01/94 Brenda Robinson Willy Flynn Bassett Hound 10/08/94-02/24/07 Georgeanne Flynn Wiggles Schnauzer Mix Bengi Type 06/79-11/01/87 Carla (Daquao) Schub Willie DSH Cat 08/05/97-02/07/01 Nichole Thompson Willie Rabbit 1993 Tammy Moreau Wrinkles Yellow Lab 15 years 04/15/12 Jamie Wimpy Dachshund 11/70-09/85 Len and Bev Kopecky Willie aka Buddah DSH Cat 11/21/08 Linda Hawryluk Wylloe Silky Terrier 12 years 10/07/11 Marlaine, Dickens, Whoopie Whiny Dachshund 1991-01/30/01 Michael Rinehart Wickett Our Little Girl Schnauzer 02/02/91-12/02/03 K. & S. Nusbaum Winston Pug 12/21/97-10/06/07 David Friend Willow Oriental Spotted Cat 15 years 06/01/07 Elizabeth and Catherine Burnett Wendy Jack Russell about 16 1/2 years 09/24/03 Tricia Donovan Whole Lotta Gone (Jet) Appendix Quarter Horse 02/19/96-09/20/08 Arielle Walker Labrador Retriever 06/01/04 Jeri Wagner Whiskers Cat 10 years 07/13/08 Tammy Granter Whinston Blue Merle Sheltie 8 years 03/10/08 Marilyn and Tom Myers Wylie Shandley Yellow Labrador Retriever 01/07/01-06/27/06 Laurie Shandley Willow Wi-Yo Domestic Shorthair Cat 7 years 04/26/04 Holly Dakos Winter's Country Ash aka Ashlee Cocker Spaniel 02/09/92-11/25/06 Cheryl Sauer Winston Cat 07/15/05-06/22/06 Donna J. Healy Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Wendell Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary William (Willy, Willypi, Willypoupou) Lhasa-Apso Mix 13 years 04/15/10 Zia, Zio, Patrizia, Daniela, Penelope Willow Seal Point Siamese Cat 1963-07/08/85 Torrance Bartholomew Waldo Dachshund 09/27/87-03/26/02 Annette Pardue Whisky Bouvier Bernois (Berner) 01/13/06-03/14/11 Roxanne and Stephane Willie Cat 09/98 Gerogeanne Wishbone Jack Russell 04/21/96-12/31/10 Sheri William Short Haired Tabby Cat 7 years Minnie, Max Wolfgang German Shepherd 09/25/01-08/30/11 Mary Micale Winnie Bulldog 08/10/91 Martine Cantler Winston Long Haired Domestic Cat 04/2005-08/22/05 Kristy Sykes Willy Tabby Cat 21 years 05/21/08 Madison Willow Syrian Hamster 2 years 9 months 04/04/04 Christine Harris Whidbey Terrier 03/13/13 Kathleen Winston Worley Basset Hound 09/06/94-08/27/10 Mark & Lydia Worley Will Cat 2014 Michelle Murphy Wobbles Schnauzer 08/93 Sandy Willow Moggie Cat 18 years 30/09/11 Nikki and Matt Weiner Dachshund 12 years 01/09/11 Mike M According to the New York Times, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip pay about $27 to get a smuggled 12-piece bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Thanks so much! Winston Shar Pei 10/14/98-04/13/05 Cynthia Whitman Golden Ret. Braeside Who Done it) English Cocker Spaniel 04/10/93-09/13/05 John & Joeleen Schneiter By the 1950s, every state, except Wisconsin (the Dairy State) had repealed its ban on margarine. Wally Weimaraner 5 years 1998 Lynn Waldo Black and White Cat 10/31/01-05/10/12 Laura Nedel Winston Mini Schnauzer 02/18/04-12/09/04 Michele, Tim,Laura, Jeremy, Emily, Abbee Waldo American Short Hair Cat 09/14/07-07/16/07 Chuck & Jane Reese Wanda Long-haired Calico 12 years 06/06/96 Nikki Willoughby Black Labrador 12/03/99-01/22/10 Rebecca Nye Willie Yellow Lab, Dog, 04/21/93-06/30/05 Margot Harris Windwalker Pharaoh Hound 12 years 09/2002 Janie H. Wylee Rottie 10/12/90-03/14/98 Carla Amstutz and Joann Monfort Whoopi Guinea Pig 01/12/00-10/02/04 Cynthia Woody Domestic Shorthair Cat 03/10/95-04/07/13 Gloria C Enriquez Winnie Griffing Mix (mostly Dachshund) 11 03/31/96 Von Will American Mutt 05/01/01-09/27/18 Maribeth Wally Tamale Horse 08/30/08 Miracle Horse Rescue in Parumph NV Whiskey Black and White Fox Terrier Cross 12 years 16/12/06 Christine MacNiven 14 years 11/06/11 Ruth Rogers Wrigley Dog 03/11/05 Patricia and Oliver Bradley Wallpaper Cream Hamster 04/18/03 Jamie & Chirong Wolfie Grey DMH Cat 06/85-08/95 Cindy Nunley Wilson Golden Retriever 06/18/89-03/30/01 Carol Ann Smith Wendy Cat 18 years 08/04/03 Randy Winston Golden Retriever 27/10/92-06/06/06 Debbie Wylie Akita/Terrier/English Sheepdog Mix 01/01/96-03/23/09 Melanie Mulford Wally Black Hair Domestic Cat 15 1/2 years 12/16/99 Lynn Corsini Woodstock Canary Gail McMahon Whiskers Cat 08/18/12 Billy F. Lockridge Watson Border Collie Hearing Dog 9 1/2 years Christy 02/14/86-08/22/95 Care4k9 Willie White Yorkshire Terrier 12/15/93-04/07/08 Beth White Wilson Biege Tabby Cat 03/25/01-01/25/03 Arliss Solano Wasichu Greyhound 05/05/02-04/14/03 Shannon Willy Cat 7 years 04/08/98 Heidi Dieckmann Winnie Sheltie 11/10/00-04/02/12 Carol, Leah, Melissa, Mike, Jimmy Wesley Dachshund (Mini) 06/21/99-12/27/10 Jennifer Dameron William Cat 20 10/10/81-07/01/01 Lauren White Socks Shepherd Mix 1993-04/27/02 William Gruttman Willow Cat 07/19/11 Katie Wiley Alaskan Malamute Huskey 9 years 08/22/97 Deanna and Jamie Wolf Wolfdog 07/31/05 Cathy Beall Wolfgang (Wolfie) German Shepherd 11/09/01 Kenny Ward Bear Willow Chihuahua 18 years 08/16/13 Jay and Cheryl Peaslee Wizzard Beagle / Lab Mix 14 years 02/09/14 Suzanne Wembley Orange Tom Cat 1 year 04/16/84 Jen Wingazen Tuckaway Tucker Papillion 09/26/96-04/07/09 Marilyn Aurand Woody Red Tri Australian Shepherd 04/17/92-12/14/08 Rini Twait Woody Stout Rhodesian Ridgeback 14 years 03/07/11 Jon, Cristy, Madelyn & Abi Stout Wylie Dingo Queensland Heeler 10/23/93-09/05/07 Craig Stafford Woody Cat Best Friends Animal Sanctuary Willow Girl Plain Fawn Boxer 12/07/97-07/30/07 Lana & Charles Moravus Willy Wirefoxterrier 01/10/91-10/20/03 Charlotte Thomas Willina Marie Cat 04/14/84-07/08/05 Sandy Hellstern Wobe Pomeranian 08/03/04-12/13/89 Alexandra Whistler Labrador Retriever 08/17/98-04/10/12 Glenn Parker Willow Persian Cat 12/2005-08/31/07 Maria Bruni Whistler Grey Tabby Cat 06/01/94-06/15/10 Jenny Day Winnie Dachshund 02/98-04/17/04 Derinda & Vince Hazelton Winnie Shi Tzu-Maltese-Pomeranian-Rat Terrier 12/14/94-07/06/07 Nancy & George Walter Orange Tabby Cat 17 years 03/30/05 Dan and Jill Woolf Wolf-Dog adopted 09/03/02-01/20/03 Ramona Barnes Whitey Cat 10/15/09 Nancy and Cyril Weenie Dachshund 16 years 05/20/06 Sara Schwarz Winners New Dawn Palomino Horse 05/29/83-10/19/01 Wanda Lambert WeeWee Cat 09/85-08/05/98 Melinda L. Carter and Michael G. Farkas Weezy Ferret 04/01/03-02/27/13 Erica Pollard Wiley Siamese Cat 5 years 08/99 Stacey Werner Wellard Harlequin Magpie Rabbit 8 years 06/30/03 Clarity & Susan Williams Wadsworth P Cuddles Shih Tzu 06/24/97-10/08/10 Tina Yuhasz Winnie aka Fat Mamma Tiger Cat 03/28/00-06/25/08 Angela Bryan Winni Hornbuckle Dog 10 years 11 months 11/2011 Vicki Windsor Dog 15 years 04/23/05 Sandy Houpt Wynds Lad Of Trailwood (JJ) Sheltie 06/16/86-04/14/97 Darla Duffey White Rooster Lucy and Dean Taylor Walter Mini Poodle 09/10/10-08/01/15 Elizabeth Hyla Winnie Jack Russell 13 years 01/24/00 Claire King Winnie Rose Chihuahua Chihuahua 15 years 09/09/00 Penny His actions stemmed from a combination of principle and natural rebelliousness. Willie Cairn Terrier 8 years 03/05/02 Mary, Shirley & Dave Winnie Dog 13 years 02/08/03 Sandy Wofgang Tabby Mix Cat 06/15/92-09/18/04 Nancy Donahue & Leonard Smith Winston Domestic Cat 05/18/85-01/19/98 Steve and Polly Waffles Cat 02/12/90-07/23/04 Flame Kruse White Paws Cat 10/25/02 Margaret Stricklett Winnie Yorkshire Terrier 16 years 10/11/04 Alexandra Cuntala Wolf Tri-Color Blue Sheltie 10/25/86-10/10/01 Wanda, Chuck and Misty Sirmans Willy (Wilbur) Gordon Black Shorthair Cat 17 years 02/28/03 Cathy, Scott and Colin Willis Labrador Retriever 3 years 04/23/11 Jamy and Drew Gillis Waldo Yellow Lab 17 years 08/11/05 Luanne Freer Winston Yorky 10 years 07/26/05 Nancy Foley Wacky Spaniel 11 years 10/19/05 Polly Wizzy Cat 07/10/04 Kimberly Donathen Willow Shorthair Cat 13 years 04/27/20 Kay Willie Persian Cat 4 years 09/23/00 Mom and Jamie & Family Winston Cat 11/24/91-02/07/08 Rose O'Neill Weezy Ferret 4 years 11/15/08 Courtney Winnie Turkish Van Cat 04/09/89-05/02/03 Linda Breault Wolverine Shetland Sheepdog 10/19/00-06/20/11 Connie Beach Willy Dog 09/01/02 Tina Wolf Maltese 11/09/96-01/05/04 Lansford Family Woody Cat 21 years 07/2005 Carol Reif Wheezy Manx Cat 10 years. Wishbone Jack Russell 01/15/97-06/30/11 Don Kennedy Woody Brown/White Tabby Cat 11/09/91-05/16/04 Terri Menees Whiskers Cat 17 years Michelle Lippert Winston Tuxedo Cat 04/28/06-12/03/08 Alice and Justin Dickson Winston Golden Retriever 10 Feb 13-06/02/05 Allison Willow Irizarry Mixed Terrier 05/01/03-04/17/19 Melissa, Eddie and Branden Irizarry Weezer Rottweiler 07/03/96-10/28/06 April Whitney Williams Domestic Shorthair Cat 13 years 02/01/10 Kim Y. Williams Schnauzer 08/06/961/24/04 Linda Ritchie Weasley Cat 30/04/21-27/09/21 Jodie Whizzer Dalmatian 06/11/12 Liz Thompson Whiskers Himalayan Cat 09/30/96-03/10/14 Janyth Thompson Watson (CH. Wraith Leonard Border Collie 14 Nisan 5770 Rabbi R. Leonard Wooji-bear English Toy Spaniel 6 years 12/04/09 Mia Waltz Winkwomp Ferret 02/12/03 Stephanie Gilbert Widget Poodle and Terrier Mix Puppy 8 weeks 10/07/09 Gloria Maria Acosta Wally Woo Golden 13 years 09/13/10 Lisa B Watson Pomeranian 10 years 05/27/09 Amy, Dakota, Devon & Abbey Traylor Jesse, and Shannon Whitney White Lab 06/04/05 Kerry Thanks so much for making it. Worf Lab 05/19/06 Tracey Winnie Grissett German Shepherd & Chow Mixed 14 years 09/10/09 Wallace Deese Winchester Beagle Mix 12/01/85-02/21/05 Cathy Wingo Winston Ernest Sealpoint Siamese Cat 05/15/89-08/04/01 Gwen Noel Winky Wonderfoot Underfoot Tortie Cat 06/14/95-12/06/07 Karen Coakley William Willoughby Cat 10/23/95 Katherine Brown Willow Traditional Siamese Cat 18 years 03/20/09 Maureen Butor Wilbur Russian Blue Mix Cat 06/16/13-07/26/17 Terry B Willow Cat 08/12/89-06/28/04 Julianne Hall Weepee Shih Tzu aprox 1993-04/08/08 Sharon O'Quinn William Athur Porthos Cat 07/10/96-08/30/99 Nancy P. Stanton Wiggy Cat 07/04/85-12/04/04 Linda & Brian Pospisil Whitney Dog 15 years 12/10/12 Kay Gutierrez Willie Cat 10 years 01/25/00 Sue Wojnowski Wally Labrador 08/03/01-23/09/11 Kate Whiskey Cat 13 years 11/08/08 Twanna Aldridge Waylon Cat 07/19/90-02/24/03 Kathleen Marcy Wendy Marie Ellis Mixed Dog 03/26/95-11/09/10 Crystal Ellis Winston Pembroke Welsh Corgi 04/05/03-05/09/13 Katie Willie Collie 05/01/87-07/07/97 Emilie Haertsch Willie Ventura Cat 03/04/97-12/05/08 Carin Warner Winston Bulldog 10/07/97-03/13/07 Thomas Napierala Winslow Maltese Westie 17 years 01/07/20 Teri and Family Willie Cat 19 years 08/2013 Edie Wickett Australian Silky Terrier 16 years 09/06/06 Carly Wags Australian Shepherd 11/23/98-02/16/13 Steve & Jane Kaufman Wiz Cat 11/14/83-02/15/01 Bridgett Blake Winny Dog 12/15/88-12/16/04 Donna Winston Coy Bernhardt Toy Poodle 04/15/97-01/27/08 Mary and Ken Bernhardt Willie Beagle 08/15/85-10/10/00 Jeanne Willie Moore Shih Tzu 09/13/91-12/09/06 Evelyn Moore Willie Cocker Spaniel 11/95-03/02/99 Katie Robinson Worf Husky/Black Lab Mix 09/21/93-06/28/10 Gloria Barbetta Willie Miniature Schnauzer 10/19/03-03/21/04 Cindy Evans Wee Wee Sealpoint Himalayan Cat 09/02/92-09/21/10 Kate Willie Border Collie Mix 03/18/86-06/02/99 John and Joy Collins Whisky Golden Retriever 01/15/90-07/24/01 Julia Willow Walton Powder Puff Chinese Crested Dog 01/26/02-04/25/11 Patty & Al Walton Weedy American Shorthair Cat 14 years 08/22/11 Laura D