We also offer Upland game hunting checklists to track your adventures with your amazing Strutting Grouse Brittany! Grouse Mt. 5 Dream Hunting States Across North America. Any body out there have a Brittany breeder they would endorse. There are grouse all over the Snowies and many people hunt them during Sept with a firearm. Loki is the son of 2x NAFC FC AFC Maxwell's Blew By You II 2 hunters + 1 guide package: $975* per person. We want you to relax and get away from your everyday grind. Orange/White, 40LB, started male Brittany, D.O.B Jan. 2 2017. 1. The main function of our Brittanys is hunting! Grand son of NAFC AFC Maxwells Blew You 11 and NFC NAFC FC AFC HOF Just Call Me Roy. Ruffed grouse hunting requires putting in some miles, so quality hiking boots or lightweight hunting boots are key. Bird Hunting In Montana, Warbonnet Brittanys. Contact Brittany Spaniel breeders prior to the purchasing of a Brittany Spaniel puppy to be able to sift through what they offer and what you prefer. French Brittany for Ruffled Grouse & Woodcock Discussion in 'Upland Game hunting, Dogs and dog training' started by BillB719, Feb 2, 2009. Aug 28, 2016. 2,733. If you want to find quail, a pointer is the standard, especially where speed and range are required. He has a great temperament and must to go to a good home. 3-day regular season bird hunt and two 4-hour afternoon fishing trips. Welcome to Grouse Country Guide Service. "hunting dogs", field trial dogs, pets. American Brittanys have been bred since their introduction in the United States to range further and wider, consistent with many of the hunting landscapes here, as compared In the grouse woods this is great, pheasant hunting can get a little tough for the smaller dogs. Advertise services like guided hunts, hunting preserve, Now, grouse. Try the Rock Creek Trail. Originating in the French province of Brittany, this breed is compact, robust and sporty. Earl The Pearl Johnson as hes known at Pineridge Grouse Camp was raised in the town of Fertile, MN hunting with his brothers in the rich farmland as the towns name suggests. However, we do understand that a few minutes a day may be needed in between cover. Although the Brittany was first acknowledged as a breed in 1907, its history is much older. ADK Outdoors. With the help of our loving and loyal pointing dogs, Epagneul Bretons (French Brittany). Reward him for doing so. The Epagneul Breton (EB), a close working bird dog, calm yet energetic, with a fantastic nose and uncanny bird sense. How the little spaniel from France developed into the wildly popular versatile hunting dog. He is crate trained, he hunts close and is a natural retriever. - We specialize in producing high quality bird dogs that point wild game birds for the walking hunter. In June of 2016, Brittany and Brandon Lane, purchased Allagash Guide Service, becoming the third owners. When it comes to hunting in the Lakes District region of the province, September is for the birds. In the grouse woods this is great, pheasant hunting can get a little tough for the smaller dogs. Although the breed originated in the 1700s in Europe as a small but rugged all purpose hunter of fur and feather, todays Brittany types are primarily 20 th century creations. Brittanys fall into the versatile dog category. Choosing a Brittany for Home and Hunting Photo credit: Elmira Yu. The sire is Rhoades Woods Loki. Young, hunting dogs, fishing, oil paintings, limited edition prints, and commissions. Close working dog and very birdy. Meals, dogs, drinks, ammo, bird cleaning we are bird hunters so we know what bird hunters need to have a successful upland hunt at Pineridge Grouse Camp. Size: Field bred setters are going to run a little bigger than the French Brits, Females usually somewhere in the 35-42 lb range, a female Brit will weigh considerably less, probably somewhere in the 27-35 range. The answer, typically, is toward the bigger, The setter is followed by the Brittany, the German shorthair and the pointer. We hunt a variety of upland game species, which include Ruffed Grouse, Pheasant, Quail, and Woodcock with our dogs. Show dogs. High daytime temperatures that often soar past the 20-degree mark can make it less than ideal for big game hunting, but there are plenty of opportunities for targeting feathered fowl. Think on your feet. This should get your dog excited to the point at which he starts barking. Due to dramatically diminishing grouse numbers in this state, he primarily hunts for pheasant and woodcock here in Ohio. Brittany Hunting Dog For Sale. He would make a great hunting companion and family pet. Good wool socks help, too. Most importantly, have fun with your newest hunting companion. We breed only those parents who display the best attributes of the American Brittany. This course is $450 per month. Wyoming. Jason is a wildlife biologist and grouse expert. Nestled in the mountains of northern Pennsylvania in prime grouse and woodcock country, Rock Steady Kennel has been selectively breeding, raising and training Brittanys for over 25 years.We take pride in the fact that each new dog owner is pleased with how intelligent and well tempered his Getting a clear picture of its development before that time is next to impossible. Looking to get a new pup sometime in the next 9 months. Check out the mixed bag of Woodcock and Ruffed Grouse with Lily, a fantastic pointing dog! French Brittanys are the smallest pointing breed and are terrific versatile hunters. Puppies born 7/18. Ive chased ruffed grouse in Wisconsin and Maine, Quebec and New Brunswick and places in between. Big game hunting is a craft. Brittany Companion. Years ago I stared out with a young female Brittany pup that sparked my interest in upland bird hunting and hunting behind a good bird dog. Where we offer some of the fastest wing shooting in the world. Actor's Studio. Professional Upland Guiding Service I offer Ruffed Grouse, Pheasant, Quail, and Woodcock guiding service during open season. The late John Brennan with his Brittany Newton, left, and the author's English springer Soubic admire a grouse taken in northern Wisconsin. I always take my .22 along in the truck during archery season. Ruffed and spruce grouse are found in abundant numbers throughout the Lakes District, $1000. This is a skill he will use out in the field to help flush out the grouse that are hiding there. Why a Brittany? 208 - 252 - 7197. New Englands Finest Gun Dogs, Dual Britts and Family Companions. Hunting grouse with a pointing dog is pure pleasure and for me has proven to be a clear advantage over hunting with Chessies. The dog will produce more birds if the wind is blowing scent to its nose, rather than away from its scent cone. The AKC recognizes 7 standard color variations for Brittanys. E-mail: rossyoungart@gmail.com My Family is a big part of our kennel and we are all very proud of our brittanys. Our Brittany training services. Tracing the breeds progress since 1907 is relatively easy. He is. Exceptional Young Male Brittany. Grouse season started two weeks ago. Welcome to Rock Steady Kennel Where the gun dogs and service are Rock Steady. Each one started out and took to grouse hunting easier than any American Brit I have had. Looking to get a new pup sometime in the next 9 months. Professional Upland Guiding Service I offer Ruffed Grouse, Pheasant, Quail, and Woodcock guiding service during open season. Welcome to Rock Steady Kennel Where the gun dogs and service are Rock Steady. We are excited to announce our 2 upcoming litters. Their guide business depends on developing dogs that excel at locating grouse for their clients. The traditional shotgun style for ruffed grouse is the side x side. Cobby-bodied little dynamos, French Brittanys have an enthusiastic following in the upland community Original purpose of the French Brittany. Middleton Smith first Ruffed Grouse George Washington National Forrest hunting with Kona and Bill Heindel 2016. Step. Nestled in the mountains of northern Pennsylvania in prime grouse and woodcock country, Rock Steady Kennel has been selectively breeding, raising and training Brittanys for over 25 years.We take pride in the fact that each new dog owner is pleased with how intelligent and well tempered his French Brittanys are the smallest pointing breed and are terrific versatile hunters. Location. Grouse hunting in Norther Minnesota will prove a good pointing dog as they tend to spook more easily then pheasant. The Brittany is a breed of gun dog bred primarily for bird hunting.Brittanys were developed in the Brittany province of France between the 17th and 19th centuries, becoming officially recognized early in the 20th. Welcome to our home page. There is an appreciation for the strategy and execution of a plan. The colder the weather, with snow, the higher up the mountains they go. The area we hunt is home to a massive population of Ruffed Grouse and Woodcock. Our Brittany's are well known for their hunting ability and temperament. We all like to watch a great bird dog work. Shooter is a wonderful companion, hunting and field trial. Thought someone in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, or the New England states might have access or information on these lines. We only breed the dogs that we hunt with. Powder spent most of her life hunting Huns, which live in as pure a distillation of the big wide open as you could ever hope to see. Welcome to our home page. Noble images of this dog were depicted hunting and retrieving game in paintings and on tapestries beginning in the early 17th century. Ive chased ruffed grouse in Wisconsin and Maine, Quebec and New Brunswick and places in between. They are: Liver and white, Liver roan, White and liver, Orange and white, Orange roan, White and orange, and Liver white and orange. / Published Oct 16, 2015. One of Brittany's greatest strengths is the ability to work as a versatile gun dog. Brittanies are not known to be strong retrievers but mine do well with it. Upland Game Hunting Checklist Poster . Trying to find a Brittany that has close old-time grouse bloodlines. Repeat this until he starts to bark each time he sees the decoy. Brittanys. Daryl Feasel with grouse on a trip to the North Woods of Maine fall of 2016. Handles Good, Nice Dog for the guy that don't want to Train a Bird Dog, He is for the Guy that just wants to take his Dog Hunting. There are grouse all over the Snowies and many people hunt them during Sept with a firearm. 1 hunter + 1 guide package: $1225*. The Brittany is considered a versatile hunting dog, but it shines when it comes to upland bird hunting. Contact Karen Thorne at Kartel Brittanys Inc. today to set up your next Vacation Hunting Grouse & Woodcock in Maine. For pointing dog grouse hunting popularity, the English setter has always been No. Jason is also an avid upland game hunter and enjoys big game hunting as well. Wyoming. I always take my .22 along in the truck during archery season. The EB is quick and fiercely intelligent, a combination of sweet disposition and reckless courage. A 200-yard dog - and most Brittanys hunt well within that range - will find birds no matter how open the country. The Complete Guide to the Brittany: Selecting, Preparing For, Feeding, Socializing, Commands, Field Work Training, and Loving Your New Brittany Email Us. Feb 2, 2009 #1 train it and spend time hunting ruffled grouse and woodcock. On a four Gen pedigree there are 16 Field Trial and National Gun dog Champions. WELCOME >> Our Mission: Strutting Grouse Bird Dogs offers remarkable American Brittanys for active families and bird hunters. Good wool socks help, too. The first book by the Serious Bird Hunting guys, Serious Grouse Hunting Book 1 is all about one thing: Improving your ruffed grouse hunting. Llewellyn's are a smaller, faster bird-finding machine that hardcore hunters and field trailers gravitate to. Mission October: Northwoods Cast and Blast for Grouse and Muskie. We Have Hunting Packages Available. We love the Brittany!! grouse, moose and deer, to hunting coyotes with hounds, looking for moose sheds and snowmobiling in the winter. 3 hunters + 1 guide package: $950* per person. If your dog is to be a house dog or a part time house dog one thing you may want to check out is a dog shampoo from your vet to help out with the allergies. AKC Dual Purpose Gun/Family Dogs and training is already started for you!! Any bird dog can hunt gamebirds--it's what they do. He also does some dove hunting in the early fall, and brings a couple of his dogs with him on these excursions to retrieve downed birds. Each Checklist Poster is on photo pater and photo quality, 20 x 30 inches and has all the huntable upland game Birds in the Continental United States, often called the "Bird dog Slam". Aug 28, 2016. The book has NEW tips on finding habitat and parsing the habitat you do find, walking-up grouse (with and without a dog), getting grouse to flush, the best ways to get a shot, gun and shell choices, modern gear pros and cons, and From there on my Interest in the Brittany just grew. The history of the Brittany can be divided into two parts: before 1907 and after 1907. These days its a French Brittany, German shorthair or even Labs. Years ago I stared out with a young female Brittany pup that sparked my interest in upland bird hunting and hunting behind a good bird dog. Ross B. Teddy: SOLD. We are knowledgeable and experienced, yet still learning new tricks about the outdoors every day. A lot of people come in the store asking where to hunt grouse in our region. But for thick cover hunting, especially for grouse and woodcock, Brittanys are ideal. These days its a French Brittany, German shorthair or even Labs. Hunt your dog into the wind. In the United States, the original Epagneul Breton From there on my Interest in the Brittany just grew. Young Art Studio 5808 E Bear Creek Road Preston, ID 83263 Tel. While hunting, ask yourself which way flushed grouse are apt to fly. See also: OUR BRITTANYS and PAST LITTERS - click on photos of each dog for many more hunting photos. Sage grouse hunting - morning break - Sept., 2011. 2 year old Male Brittany: Teddy is a Fantastic Gun Dog. He competed in field trials on all of those birds. Brittanys have brought our family so much joy and happiness, bringing us closer together. French Brittany Puppies 2 Males / 2 Females Orange & White, Ready Now. Fine sporting art by Ross B. My Family is a big part of our kennel and we are all very proud of our brittanys. List your kennel with us and advertise that you are a breeder, trainer or handler. For our start-up course, we introduce the dog to live birds, point drills, the whistle, check cords, field commands, introduction to the electronic collar, and the proper introduction to gunfire. October 04, 2017 By Dan Small. Training your dog to come, sit, kennel and heel. That may be why the continental breeds like Brittany Spaniels and German Shorthairs are popular here. 3. Middleton's First Grouse fall of 2016 taken while hunting with Kona. A word here about Chip's dogs, French Brittanys, as distinct from Lincoln's American Brittany breed. We raise all our dogs from puppies. Location. Ace is Trained and Ready. If youre looking to chase a variety of upland birds from pheasants to chukar to grouse, a Brittany would make the perfect pointing and retrieving partner. He has hunted and retrieved quail, chukar and woodcock. About the Author: Each year Ann, along with her partner Skip Souther, conduct over 140 guided hunts for clients that have traveled to the Northwoods of Wisconsin in search of the Ruffed Grouse. Regardless of type, they all share a gentle nature and picture perfect looks, as well as a good nose. Blown Down Grouse an original print of a Brittany hunting dog and Ruffed Grouse. He has a Master's Degree in Wildlife Ecology. Each one has been a delight to hunt with and to run in tests and trials. Hunt your dog into the wind. Any of these pointing breeds will give you many years of grouse hunting enjoyment. The mountains of the Tarheel state are near the southern end of the ruffed grouses range. Jason has researched and managed wild grouse for over 17 years, hence the name of the kennel. Kona is the OW dog. He earned his field championship, amateur field championship and runner-up American field championship titles all by the time he was just over two years old. Gilmores the Real Mccoy Roy - Orange/White. They spend many weeks in the field, but are just as easy to have in the house. Using the decoy, wave it around in a fun manner. He has years of experience training dogs on obedience and advanced bird hunting. We all like to watch a great bird dog work. Oregon. Not all the best grouse hunting is found on private property. Litter whelped 4/22/2022 by Princess Aggie De Bent Ri Treehouse Kennels located in Cohocton, New York. Not looking for field trial stock, but old time meat dogs. Our dogs are top of the line, and you will have many years of happiness with your Strutting Grouse Brittany. GROUSE HUNTING MOUNTAINS OF NEW YORK WITH ADK OUTDOORS. Any body out there have a Brittany breeder they would endorse. From the Famed Colorado Yankee Timberline. Re: Brittany question - grouse lines Post by Mountaineer Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:28 pm Ah, that brings back memories of Mr. Ed's Brittanys, when Ohio was a ruffed grouse state. The French Brittany dog species can be used to hunt all types of upland birds including quails, woodcock, grouse, and pheasant. Try the Rock Creek Trail. Charger is a six year old trained male Brittany. The planning, cost of materials and gear, and. Our puppies are raised with an emphasis placed on early handling, exposure to new environments, noise, and early socialization. Ruffed grouse hunting requires putting in some miles, so quality hiking boots or lightweight hunting boots are key. Hunting with Brittany Spaniels is very enjoyable for all upland birds. The North Country's Premier Guide Service for Grouse and Woodcock. The Ryman being a larger, closer working, and more methodical birddog that foot hunters prefer. Size: Field bred setters are going to run a little bigger than the French Brits, Females usually somewhere in the 35-42 lb range, a female Brit will weigh considerably less, probably somewhere in the 27-35 range. Watch Charger in action! Get ready to have your dog point up a tree instead of down at a bush as that is where you will find many grouse. Free hunting dog classifieds for the upland bird hunter and wetland waterfowl hunter. Find puppies for sale, started dogs for sale and finished dogs from all sorts of different pointing breeds, retrieving breeds and flushing breeds.. The colder the weather, with snow, the higher up the mountains they go. I have seen a few "timid" French brits that I thought were going to be crap dogs. A Brittany Spaniel's first grouse hunt in Northern Minnesota By Mark Melotik. We believe we can offer that same joy and That is where it is at. Their bountiful energy, versatility, and intelligence make the French Brittany an ideal pet and hunting partner. We hunt primarily over the French Brittany, a dog perfectly suited for grouse hunting in New York and the cover that goes with it. But some are specialized and others are generalists. American Brittanys have been bred since their introduction in the United States to range further and wider, consistent with many of the hunting landscapes here, as compared Breeding for excellence in temperament, intelligence, and natural instinct. Re: look for a brittany pup. I have had just the opposite experience from Trekmoor. $1400.00. The dog will produce more birds if the wind is blowing scent to its nose, rather than away from its scent cone. "Blow Down Grouse" Brittany, Hunter and Ruffed Grouse Original oil on canvas 22x28, SOLD; Available as a Print: The Canvas Collection Signed and Numbered: Brittany Spaniel and the author with trio of Ruffed Grouse If you want to get a dedicated grouse hunting dog, Ive always thought that the English Setter is the quintessential grouse dog and a particularly stylish hunter. Ahhhhhctober! Here are some great places to hunt on land open to everyone. Visit Hunting Dog Breeders for info on Shaw's Grouse Havens Kennels and their Michigan American Brittanys for sale. Back to the top. Read More >>>. 2,733. $5000. The brittany will generally have a little bit shorter hair and will be easy to maintain, the springer usually has longer hair on the lower half of his body. The next tool is your shotgun. complete with your personal. A word here about Chip's dogs, French Brittanys, as distinct from Lincoln's American Brittany breed. 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