Kristin happily answered all of our many questions throughout the entire process and was knowledgeable and very easy to work with. #wsite-title {font-size:45px !important;} We were able to meet our puppys mother and father in the beginning of the process and that made me feel really good as a first time dog owner! _W = _W || {}; _W.securePrefix=''; _W = _W || {}; Her temperament and love are the absolute best. This is someone who clearly is dedicated to breeding great family pets for people that are healthy, smart, beautiful and have great dispositions! From my first email to pick up day and beyond she has been so helpful! #wsite-title {font-family:"Arial" !important;font-weight:700 !important;color:#515151 !important;text-transform: none !important;} Here is a recent picture of Ryder, freshly groomed! He has totally stolen our hearts and is so good with our baby! Thank you Archer Hill and Kristin for all of your hard work and putting together a great breeding program. .wsite-elements.wsite-not-footer:not(.wsite-header-elements) h2, .wsite-elements.wsite-not-footer:not(.wsite-header-elements) .product-long .product-title, .wsite-elements.wsite-not-footer:not(.wsite-header-elements) .product-large .product-title, .wsite-elements.wsite-not-footer:not(.wsite-header-elements) .product-small .product-title, #wsite-content h2, #wsite-content .product-long .product-title, #wsite-content .product-large .product-title, #wsite-content .product-small .product-title, .blog-sidebar h2 {text-transform: none !important;} .fancybox-title {} We remain in contact even 6 months later because she truly cares about how Betty is adjusting to her life with us and has given us so many helpful tips! function initCustomerAccountsModels() { .wsite-elements.wsite-footer div.paragraph, .wsite-elements.wsite-footer p, .wsite-elements.wsite-footer .product-block .product-title, .wsite-elements.wsite-footer .product-description, .wsite-elements.wsite-footer .wsite-form-field label, .wsite-elements.wsite-footer .wsite-form-field label{} Archer Hill Farms is more than just a place to get your future puppy from. We love her so much. I would highly recommend Archer Hill Farm!!! I can't tell u how great of a dog she is and we love her immensely!!!! #wsite-content h2, #wsite-content .product-long .product-title, #wsite-content .product-large .product-title, #wsite-content .product-small .product-title, .blog-sidebar h2 {} Dotty is a blessing, so happy to have her as part of our family! .wsite-menu-default a {font-family:"Montserrat" !important;font-weight:400 !important;letter-spacing: 1px !important;} We have had a few dogs before him & he is by far one of the best we have had!! } else if(document.documentElement.initCustomerAccountsModels === 0){ .wsite-button-small .wsite-button-inner {font-size:9px !important;} We absolutely love our Bernedoodle, Charley. .fancybox-title {} } Kristin sent frequent updates and photos of our puppy as she grew, which we really appreciated! 'active', Her attention to detail, responsiveness, and commitment throughout the adoption process is truly unmatched. He's The absolute most lovable dog! We couldn't be happier. The day we picked him up, April had him freshly bathed and ready to go with all his paperwork, and even some toys and a blanket with his mothers scent on it. .wsite-product .wsite-product-price a {} We put in an invisible fence, but it's barely used because he seemed to learn the yard boundaries without much training. When our puppy Bruno came home for the first time he was so good in his kennel, good about going to the bathroom in the same spot outside, good while getting baths, as well as being very good with different noises and interactions. .wsite-image div, .wsite-caption {} He is so good, he walks right alongside of me with out a leash. I felt so comfortable getting our puppy from Archer Hill Farms! We simply cant recommend them enough! A tad scared of the other dogs and so not alpha. All of our questions were answered - many before I even asked. puppy we got from Archer Hill Farm, we have been beyond impressed and so thankful. She was flexible in organizing a pick up day and time when it was time to pick our puppy up. He is so smart and loving, and we could be happier with our experience!, I thought I send you some recent Rufus photos and update you on our sweet guy! We're looking forward to hearing from you. ed and adjusted well. ) Haha! .wsite-headline,.wsite-header-section .wsite-content-title {font-size:60px !important;} Out of everyone I talked to, Kristen was by far the most passionate, loving, and helpful. She wants a Sheep a Doodle so we gave her your coordinates. Finn turned one last month and I just want to let you know how much we love him! Likes to roll around in the snow, kick it up and bite at it. When we went on vacation over Christmas he stayed at my brother's with their 10 year old Australian Shepard and cat for a few days and was well behav. false, She is a good listener, a fast learner, and has such a sweet demeanor. Our sweet Bernedoodle is smart, well-behaved and the most perfect addition to our family. We are beyond pleased with not only the breed but also Archer Hill Farm and Kristin! She took great care in helping us select a puppy that would be a good match for our family. } Our puppy Millie is now 5 months old. Sooo much that Im trying to talk my husband into getting one of his siblings. Also glad to see the rabbits that usually chew up a lot of our shrubbery in the winter for the past 17 years have gone elsewhere. I cant tell u how much we love Ellie. I highly recommend! We met a lady last week who fell in love with Winston. He loves the beach!! And we wouldnt have this amazing tempered and well-behaved pup if it werent for the incredible care that Archer Hill Farm gave to him and his parents. _W.storeName = null; When he wants to go out, or he just emptied his water dish, he comes and lets us know. There 5 other dogs and about 40 people. })(); .wsite-footer blockquote {} , She is the SWEETEST puppy!!!!! . In all our years of dog ownership, he is by far the most chill and laid back of all! We are all devastated. (function(){_W.setup_rpc({"url":"\/ajax\/api\/JsonRPC\/CustomerAccounts\/","actions":{"CustomerAccounts":[{"name":"login","len":2,"multiple":false,"standalone":false},{"name":"logout","len":0,"multiple":false,"standalone":false},{"name":"getSessionDetails","len":0,"multiple":false,"standalone":false},{"name":"getAccountDetails","len":0,"multiple":false,"standalone":false},{"name":"getOrders","len":0,"multiple":false,"standalone":false},{"name":"register","len":4,"multiple":false,"standalone":false},{"name":"emailExists","len":1,"multiple":false,"standalone":false},{"name":"passwordReset","len":1,"multiple":false,"standalone":false},{"name":"passwordUpdate","len":3,"multiple":false,"standalone":false},{"name":"validateSession","len":1,"multiple":false,"standalone":false}]},"namespace":"_W.CustomerAccounts.RPC"}); I will be happy to answer any questions you have and provide multiple references from past puppy owners! The vet says he is very healthy, and we've had no health issues at all. I can't tell you how many compliments I have received about her! She loves playing with my boxer, and they have become fast friends. #wsite-content div.paragraph, #wsite-content p, #wsite-content .product-block .product-title, #wsite-content .product-description, #wsite-content .wsite-form-field label, #wsite-content .wsite-form-field label, .blog-sidebar div.paragraph, .blog-sidebar p, .blog-sidebar .wsite-form-field label, .blog-sidebar .wsite-form-field label {color:#000 !important;} .wsite-menu a {} April was so kind, and always so helpful. We have a lot of kids in and out of our home and our only concern is that Millie will lick them to death! _W.isCheckoutReskin = false; '', var initEvt = document.createEvent('Event'); We had the best experience picking out our beautiful Bernedoodle from them, and Kristin was super helpful every step of the way! .wsite-elements.wsite-footer h2, .wsite-elements.wsite-footer .product-long .product-title, .wsite-elements.wsite-footer .product-large .product-title, .wsite-elements.wsite-footer .product-small .product-title{} _W.storeEuPrivacyPolicyUrl = ""; .wsite-phone {} She has followed up since pick up and really cares about each and every dog and the home they go to. .wsite-product .wsite-product-price a {} Loves the snow, even when it's -10. Smartest dog ever. We owe so much to Kristin for our newest family member, our Australian Bernedoodle, Betty. Bell trained for going out. And, I really appreciated your responsiveness throughout the process! We were very impressed with our Daisy (Giselle, Bernedoodle) and how friendly and adjusted she is to everyone she encounters. Since having Winston for a month now, we are absolutely in love with him! He's 31 pounds now. Thank you so much for helping us get such a loved new family member!!!. //-->, We got our Aussiedoodle Darwin in October. _W.storeCurrency = "USD"; .wsite-elements.wsite-footer h2, .wsite-elements.wsite-footer .product-long .product-title, .wsite-elements.wsite-footer .product-large .product-title, .wsite-elements.wsite-footer .product-small .product-title{} .wslide-caption-text {} if(document.createEvent && document.addEventListener) { It was a fantastic experience. }}\"\n\t\t{{\/membership_required}}\n\t\tclass=\"wsite-menu-item\"\n\t\t>\n\t\t{{{title_html}}}\n\t<\/a>\n\t{{#has_children}}{{> navigation\/flyout\/list}}{{\/has_children}}\n<\/li>\n","navigation\/flyout\/list":"