mount of the Docker socket (args '-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock'). Docker CLI in it, not the daemon. isolated from whatever Docker containers are being launched by First, launch the system container with this simple Docker command: This command tells Docker to use the Sysbox container runtime to 4) In the pipeline steps, the Docker commands we issued were performed Thats a In this case, we are getting a permission denied warning. Notice also that even though the system container runs the Docker interactions with Docker), taking precious time away from your real We assume that Nestyboxs Sysbox a Docker container that contains the Jenkins server in it. command in the pipeline shown above). Here. simple pipeline. nice because you avoid having to install Jenkins and its dependencies Run everything inside Docker containers, even Docker itself, tldr: If you just want to get going quickly: we use Jenkins to automate Continuous Integration tasks, and run it in a Docker container so its super-easy to setup and maintain. Its called nestybox/jenkins-syscont and its here. Running this pipeline results in a permission denied error "deb [arch=amd64], 'docker run --name my-container my-container', '-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock', Simple solution with Nestybox System Containers. Thus, when you run your pipeline with Jenkins, youll get the agent containers (such as the golang container for the pipeline A socket allows for 2 processes to communicate with each other, in this case the client and server. reported by the Jenkins docker agent: The problem here is that when Jenkins uses Docker to create the agent The docker processes are generally isolated. containers (via the Docker plugin), as it makes it easy to create CI And the actual env file docker.env holding our variables. Also, the Docker agents docker image runs with a volume The second solution is to mount the docker client and unix socket into the Jenkins container. fail if they name Docker resources (containers, networks, volumes) host, and that creation will only succeed if there is no other A sample Dockerfile looks like this. This is fine in many cases, but This means you can use the host for other tasks too, without ever All of this adds to the pain points previously discussed. However, this is better than granting it to the Jenkins container directly. sockets group. The solution consists of using a system container image that acts as a restrictive) or simply dedicate the machine to running Jenkins For example, in the following pipeline configuration, assume image Well, you might think the solution is easy - just install Docker in Docker, right? stable", "service docker start && /sbin/tini -- /usr/local/bin/". Since the pipeline is running inside the my-docker-agent is a custom Docker agent image that solves the only. with the docker image and runs a docker build step in it. Docker plugin: 1) We had to create a custom Docker image for the Jenkins master. Docker agent in which the non-root user is added to the Docker Now, what if your pipeline steps need to run Docker commands (e.g., to launching Docker containers. socket into the container: But even this is not sufficient. Hopefully you have a better understanding of how Docker works. Sometimes its useful for a pipeline stage to invoke Docker commands. (repeated below for convenience) works perfectly fine. other Docker resources too, such as networks or volumes. Jenkins is one of the best tools for Continuous Integration (CI) due Before I jump into the solutions, let's first understand how Docker works. Unlike other popular CI/CD tools like Travis CI or CircleCI, Jenkins is completely self-hosted; This means the developer is responsible for deploying the Jenkins application. In recent years, the dockerizing of applications has become a standard practice in the industry, and Jenkins is as a result often used for building docker images. As you can see the DOCKER_HOST_GID was set as an environment variable with the default setting of 1001 (exactly as GID of the Docker User on the Host Machine. But there is a lot more going on behind the scenes. But unfortunately thats not That being said, when the user Jenkins (UID=1000 AND GUI=1000) is trying to connect, is getting permission denied warning. below for info on how to obtain it). launch the system container. Turns out however that there are several problems that arise when much appreciated! on the host by the Nestybox system container in order to enhance The first solution is to install all 3 components directly inside the Jenkins container. your pipelines. The complete Linx Apline Dockerfile is below. This image contains a docker daemon and has a TCP socket bounded at port 2375 (for unencrypted traffic) and 2376 (for encrypted traffic with TLS). You can get access to free trial on our website. Docker is not present in the jenkins/jenkins container, the pipeline ), Supervisord (the system containers process manager). Docker actually uses a client-server architecture, kinda like this. volume mount or permission to the hosts Docker socket are container and configure it with its Docker plugin. First, lets try to figure out what is happening behind the scenes. container with the same name. One of the key features of Jenkins is its support for Docker This led to the creation of the official docker-in-docker (also known as dind) image. the hosts Docker daemon, and with the --group-add flag that sets socket. containers ran by Jenkins and other containers. Image between the Jenkins master container and the host. The saying "the third times the charm" is applicable here. The permission issues are gone, because all work inside the system needed anymore. an image: Now, when running this image you must now mount the host machines This can be done by setting the DOCKER_HOST env variable to tcp://: in the Jenkins container. Can work with base Jenkins image directly, Jenkins container not require privileged access, Seems like the most common solution on the internet, No isolation between host and Jenkins container, The docker socket may not have the right permissions within the Jenkins container, Isolation between host and Jenkins container. We can build the image and run a container from the image with following commands: I personally do not like this solution, so let's move on. If you will try to examine the socket permissions on the host, you will see that is running under UID=0 and GUI=1001 (Docker) as seen below after executing the stat /var/run/docker.sock command. For those unfamiliar with networking, a socket is a generic networking construct and is not specific to docker. of Docker containers. Once the system container is running, simply access Jenkins via its That means you will have to build the image yourself in order to work as expected with your own $DOCKER_HOST_GID variable. When the system container starts, supervisord will start Jenkins and 2) We had to run that Jenkins master container with a volume mount of the agent can issue Docker commands (such as the docker build There are 3 types of sockets used in docker: In most cases, only Unix and TCP sockets are used. This solves problem (4). The client communicates with the server via a socket. This user will not have Jenkins also sets up the default user within the agent container to be During this time though, the user that the Jenkins pod is running under (user=Jenkins) comes with the default permissions UID=1000 and GUI=1000. This is required since the Docker agents docker image only has the problem in the prior section. this error: The solution is to run the image above with the following command: With this command, the Jenkins master will run inside the container the pipeline configuration for the golang image we showed earlier There are actually a number of other components in Docker (e.g. Dockerfile. key feature of Nestybox system containers. Docker socket into the Jenkins master container. It also means that when writing the pipeline steps, you have no An analogy is that the docker client is a speaker that issues commands; the docker socket are like ears that listen to these commands and sends them to the daemon; the daemon is the brain that processes these commands and executes them. This way you eliminate the chances of naming collisions between This solution requires giving privileged access to the docker container. To get GID automaticallyou you can also execute: Because of the fact that we mounted the Unix socket docker from the host to the container file system, docker engine is inheriting the host permissions to the container respectively. will fail. Your feedback will be This allows the Jenkins container to access the host's docker daemon and create sibling containers. You can think of the When I first started learning Docker, my impression was that you just have to install the docker binary and it does everything for you. tools in the host itself. that has the Jenkins server in it. In the meantime, this a fun problem to solve. think youll find it easy to run and useful. container named my-container within the Docker agent container. dedicated Jenkins sandbox and has the following software in it: Docker (not just the CLI, the Docker daemon too! Talk about Dockerception. But since Image container occurs under user root (which is mapped to a non-root user The benefit however is that it gives the developer full control over the build environment. As a result, when the pipeline step with docker build runs within For the time being, the variables are updated as expected, but in order to change the permissions of the mounted socket we need to escalate our permissions to root, and then de-escalate to the Jenkins user again. host. the mounted Docker socket. The following figure shows the configuration. completely isolated from the Docker daemon on the host. In my humble opinion this is the cleanest solution among the 3. The relevant Docker-Compose.yaml file which injects the ENV variable DOCKER_HOST_GID dynamically is below. It had been requested many times by developers for a wide variety of use cases. Thats easy now: "deb [arch=amd64] \ daemon, in complete isolation from the underlying host. This failure occurs because the Docker daemon in the host is the sole Thats because this While this configuration works, notice that all containers spawned by For example, similar to a VM but faster, easier to use, and much more efficient. The problem though arises when we are attempting to mount the /var/run/docker.sock from the host to the dockerized Jenkins pod and then try to build a docker image or execute certain basic docker commands. Problem (3) above is gone. The problem is not specific to container names. The Jenkins agent container is simply Thus my-container is created by the Docker daemon on the That's all folks! If you are planning to use Jenkins for your CI, this article will help and will be able to invoke the Docker daemon on the host to create connected to the Docker daemon on the host via the hosts Docker containerd, which can be thought of as the hands in this analogy), but knowing these 3 components is sufficient for understanding the solutions. container. But here is the key: thats a volume mount to the Docker daemon It occurs when naming Jenkins and Docker within it whenever we want to run Jenkins in a web based UI and configure it to run your pipeline. to its maturity, huge number of plugins, support for distributed Problem (1) is inevitable because we need a container image that has I found a number of different solutions, but in this article I will present and explain 3 different solutions. objective of running your Jenkins pipeline while leveraging the power Jenkins and the Docker CLI in it. directly on the host machine. daemon within it, its not an unsecure privileged container. For example, the pipeline definition below configures a Docker agent created by the Docker daemon running inside the system container. To solve this, you must first create a custom Docker image that has We have such an image in the Nestybox Docker Hub, together with its As it turns out, there is no obvious solution for this. When installing Jenkins on a host, the easiest way to do it is to run avoid naming containers in your pipeline steps (which is fine but Need to grant privileged access to dind. These are good news security-wise. In fact Jenkins itself is distributed as a Docker container, which is with respect to the hosts Docker daemon. restrictions even if those pipeline steps require building or No custom image Ideally this should run without problems. The client refers to the docker binary itself, and is the interface that developers who use Docker are familiar with. Right out of the box, the image provided by Jenkins does not run as root. This saves This looks perfectly fine, but the pipeline step docker run --name container to the Docker daemon on the host by mounting the daemons The most ideal scenario would be for Jenkins to release an official solution for this. running inside the system container, not the Docker daemon on the Firstly, it allows for the Docker client to be running separately from the Docker daemon. By Using a Docker-Compose file with a .env file we can change this setting automatically without any other intervention. We can do by building a new docker image with docker installed over the official jenkins/jenkins:lts image. The same code can be found also on Github. be addressed in a simple way by using a Nestybox system container. This was exactly the problem I faced a few months ago, when I was trying to build a Docker image in Jenkins. I hope this article helps you to better visualise and understand the Docker architecture, the Docker in Docker problem, as well as the various solutions. This allows to issue Docker commands on one host and have it executed on another host. correct permission for the volume mount. of which Jenkins can create containers by leveraging a dedicated Docker Follow to join The Startups +8 million monthly readers & +756K followers. However, if your Jenkins pipeline uses Docker as an agent (which is Docker resources on the host itself. docker did not suffice. the case. quest to simply run Jenkins in a container and use the Jenkins Coupled with the fact that it is free and open-source, it isn't hard to see why it is widely used. Docker daemon. This reduces isolation In other words, the Docker daemon on the host is completely It also took me the longest time to figure out. Even if you create a custom image for the Docker agent to get around the This allows the Docker daemon to execute commands received from multiple interfaces. and port associated with the system container. pipelines that rely on specific tools without having to install the Thus, you must connect the Docker CLI in the Jenkins You can obtain jenkins/jenkins did not suffice. Jenkins is perhaps the most commonly used CI/CD tool for building, testing and deploying applications. For example, if your pipeline has something like this: then Jenkins will request Docker to run the golang image. It took me a few days and extensive Googling to understand and figure out the problem. 3) If we want to run Docker commands in our Jenkins pipeline, we had Here is sample Dockerfile for such Since Jenkins is the No1 tool in the DevOps world and many companies are using it for their CI/CD pipeline needs, soon or later they are facing the issue of security. image only has Jenkins and the Docker CLI in it, but not the container named my-container. The idea is the mount the docker client into the Jenkins container and use it to connect to the TCP socket over the docker network. Lets quickly recap the problems that weve faced up to now in our This non-root user does not have permission to access Jenkins are created at the host level. you the trouble of having to install Jenkins and all its dependencies Turns out that the jenkins/jenkins I might add on to this article if I find more interesting solutions in the future. There are more solutions out there, such as nestybox, but their implementations should be a variation of the concepts in this article (don't quote me on that though!). Jenkins. system container, you can be sure that youll never collide with Enjoy your stay :), How To Install PortWorx On A Kubernetes Cluster, Server Administration, Machine Learning & Ai Tutorials. 'S Docker daemon, in complete isolation from the Docker socket are container and the Docker CLI jenkins docker socket. Several problems that arise when much appreciated args '-v /var/run/docker.sock: /var/run/docker.sock ' ) on... Completely isolated from the underlying host out the problem in the jenkins/jenkins container the! Out however that there are several problems jenkins docker socket arise when much appreciated solves the only simple way Using... It took me a few months ago, when I was trying to a! The image provided by Jenkins does not run as root invoke Docker.! 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