Why does a stud dog need to be talented? Jake is a great hunting dog as well as an affectionate family dog and easily does both. We trust you feel like "family" as you browse our website and get to know us better. Trouble goes Winner's Dog, Best of Winners and receives a JAM at the LRC Judge's critique by Mrs. Heather Wiles-Fone (Heatherbourne Labradors) " This dog filled my eye,lovely moulded head, dark pigment, loved his clean reachy neck flowing into well placed shoulders, well sprung body,portrays absolute quality. Im interested in an English blocky build black lab stud dog. He is so calm to be around and knows when to turn it on in the field. Use of this site is subject to the terms and conditions stated in We also want to be able to apply (or have customers apply) what we learn to preventative health strategies for dogs at risk for developing genetic conditions. When Do Puppies Stop Biting And How To Cope With A Silver Lab The Facts About Silver Labrador Retrievers. Both natural and artificial breeding techniques are used to impregnate. A photocopy of your bitchs OFA hip, elbow, heart-Echo, and Dilute gene test result or certifications or if listed on OFA than certification numbers are acceptable, and a copy of current ACVO test results. Kudos | More Information, GCH Can/UKC CH POPLAR FOREST PLAY IT AGAIN SAM, UD, RE, MH, MHU, Am/Can CH DEEP RUN CASABLANCA, CD, RA, MH, SHU, GCH CH UKC CH DEEP RUN GOOD TIME CHARLEY, SH, DEEP RUN MOONDOG, CD, RE, MH, QAA, NDL High Point Yellow Derby Dog 2015, GMHRCH WR SILVERBROOK'S Studs have their sperm checked at the beginning of every breeding, to ensure good numbers and motility. Do you know how to turn the dog during the tie? CH. Or assisted someone else in doing so? Exercise Induced Collapse in Labrador Retrievers, I hear all chocolate labs are hyper, and all yellow labs are dumband all(blah, blah). Breeding from a female is a huge responsibility and a costly investment. Id love to talk if you do. Anything east and north of me would be of interest. BREEDERS OF PUREBRED CHOCOLAT & BLACK LABRADORS, Feeding Your New Chocolate Labrador Puppy, Food Quotas and Skeletal Development in labrador pups, Boredom and separation anxiety in labrador pups, COMMENCE TRAINING IMMEDIATELY AT 8 WKS OF AGE, Fear Imprint & Socialisation of labrador puppies. The only Labrador, to date, to achieve this top honor, 2019 Westminster Kennel Club Best of Breed Winner. The Labrador Network and it's entities, make no warranties or guarantees as to the quality of goods, services, health or any other matters with respect to the advertisers, breeders, stud dog owners, and/or puppies on this website. If a dog doesnt have that tail-wagging, body-wiggling, face-licking personality that puts an automatic smile on your face the moment you see them, then the other bells and whistles dont matter. With the love and care we provide, and the freedom of 87-acres of land to run and play on, they cant help but develop friendly, entertaining, loving, one-of-a-kind personalities. If stud service is done here, we offer state of the art progesterone testing, to target and ensure peak of fertility in the bitch. Heat cycles run three weeks, from entry to exit. Hoping to get one of his male pups. GOLD GCHG. Apart from the ethical considerations of adding to the general dog population, there is the responsibility you share with the female dog owner for the welfare of these puppies. GATEWAYS NOTHIN BUT TROUBLE, AM GCH, CAN.& TH.CH. The Labrador Network and it's owners reserve the right to refuse listings at their discretion. There are some important things to consider before choosing whether to let your Lab become a Dad. And its true that some do. Yes, its not casual sex. The key to creating and implementing a program that benefits the Labrador breed is to select thoroughly screened, top-tier studs and bitches to produce your litters. He won tons of Stud dog classes etc. Please advise what to do to find him a mate? Click on the individual photos for more information. Jake will give that extra train-ability and great looks that every litter needs. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Since 1988 Endless Mountain Labradors has continued to bring the tradition of experience and excellence in our line of work. or ONE KEYWORD We do not offer natural penetrative breeding for our stud service. This doesnt always happen but wasnt something I was prepared to risk with my boy. Hes around 85 lbs. Belquest Conclusion Stud dogs are available through shipped semen and in-house breeding. Can you help with some contacts that are legitimate breeders. He is also clear for HPNK, EIC, PRA, DM, CNM, RDOD, CERF, cardiac echo, color doppler, and skeletal dysplasia 2. Labrador Retriever Life Span How Long Do Labs Live? Karen sorry to say your girl has aged out. Click Here. Is your lab English? For copies of pedigrees or clearances, email us at: bestinshow@emlabradors.com. Obviously, if your dog was going to have a career as a stud dog, youd eventually see a return on these costs. I would like to mate him with a 100% pure breed female. The bitch this breeding is to be used on is not silver, charcoal, champagne or otherwise dilute colored, and proof of testing DD is required. He needs to love the whole world, not just the female dog in front of him. More tests are being developed for emerging diseases all the time, and that will continue into the future (because the Labrador breed register is closed and the gene pool is losing genetic material). As passionate dog lovers ourselves, we understand at Hidden Pond Labradors that people dont choose a puppy because of its outstanding pedigree and genetic condition. Zinger is loving her 44x27 sized Aluminum Dog Bed with Blue Vinyl Cover. If you want temperament this is the dog! They will also discharge a small amount of reddish liquid, although this is easy to miss. Samson, Solomon and Barak are fertility tested prior to each mating. Balance of Stud fee is due within 10 days of birth, a late fee of $10.00 per day will be added to this balance for each day starting at day eleven (11) post whelping. A New, Innovative Online Labrador Network. We go beyond the standard hip, elbow and eye certifications to ensure your pups have the best chance for a healthy life. Wehealth-clear and OFA certify our dogs, and train and certify them for AKC CGC. Female dog owners, remember, want to sell great puppies, and puppy buyers are looking for something a bit special. Just like all of our Labrador puppies, we raise our stud dogs in our home as cherished members of our own family. This should remove gentic problems from breeds. You are responsible for making sure that the two dogs are compatible, and supremely healthy. Breeding Labrador Retrievers is an incredibly fulfilling, and often lucrative, endeavor. Do you still breed black labs? Because dogs tie after mating, and because a dog has a bone in his penis, there is scope for serious injury to the dog if mating is not properly supervised. You have successfully joined our subscriber list. We have an amazing black lab 10 years old he is our 4th generation we truly would love one of his pups and can any one help us please. I have a two year old Akc Chocolate Lab Stud Im interested in mating. Progesterone testing will also ensure that the insemination is done on the best day, with the ripest eggs, since they die over the 48 hrs after they are released. Once you've got all that together, click on the link below to take you to our easy, online submission and payment form. For more details, review our Privacy Policy. Youll likely pay more if you have the tests done through your vet. Signup for our newsletter to get notified about sales and new products. Copyright 2017 Stofer's Labs. This is carried out in exchange for money (or something of equivalent value such as a puppy). Stud service is available to approved bitches. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Labrador Site is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk. the Hunting Labrador Retriever Stud Dog Search? - the girls are 60 - 85 lbs. With a qualified bitch, he is sure to produce a winning litter of chocolate Labrador puppies. And what could be more natural than to want another friend just like your handsome boy. # 1 Labrador Retriever 2007 Multiple Specialty Winner and Group Winner, All Breed Best in Show Winner, 10-time Specialty Winner, Westminster Best of breed & Sporting Group IV Winner, 2004 National Specialty Winner, Multiple Canadian All Breed Best in Show and Multiple Canadian Specialty Winner, As of 6/25/12, Gordy is the sire of 80 Champions, plus Master Hunter & Numerous offspring with Hunting-Obedience-Rally-Agility-Tracking & Grand Championship Titles. Insider Secrets to adopting the Right Dog. Grand Champion is not only in his title, but also extensively in his blood line. Youll definitely need help from a club and more experienced trainers. Add any text here or remove it. Mainly in the form of required health tests. (Or they should be). Once your dog shows some promise, then it may be worth investing in those tests. Fiesta's Lipton Tea For Mad Hatter's Party, Sire: MBISS GCHB Lakeside Memoir of Gallivant CGC, TKN. We have a 12 year old 70lb pure bread Chocolate lab, eyes and hips are perfect, excellent hunter, comes from a champion bloodline. I have a 4 year old male,AKC registered, Both Sire and Dame had the CM DNA test, w/the Sire had xtra orthopedic/EIC,etc. When a dog is built right, it will last longer. The Labrador Retriever Club of The Potomac, Inc. BOB Winner of the Canadian National 3 times, #1 obedience dog in the USA in 1979, Am & Can OTCH.Millgrove's Special Amie WC. I just want to stud him once before getting him fix. Our breeding studs have beautiful builds and wonderfully mellow and affectionate temperaments. BELQUEST CONCLUSION NO LIMIT POKER, AM GCH CAN CH UKC CH ANNUAL'S NOSTALGIC AT HILLDREAMS ( Swedish import), BIS BISS AM CAN CH WINTERWIND'S GLENN PLAID, AM MULTI BISS PR BDA 1997 WORLD CH TABATHA'S ROLLICK AT CARROWBY JH,CD,CGC,WC, AM MULTI BISS SILVER GCH. I live in Long Beach Ms. gulf coast. Hidden Pond Labradors breeds and raises black, chocolate, and yellow Grand Champion Labrador Retrievers for our stud service. To learn more about our Grand Champion Labrador studs, take a look at their biographies below. So if your dog doesnt meet their requirements, youll be waiting for those emails or phone calls in vain. Labradors are subject to a range of inherited diseases. There are a lot of Labrador puppies out there, and they want the best. Of all the dogs I have owned in my life he had the best! They should be bred from ages 2-5 then retire so that its not too hard on them. AKC's 2007 & 2008 & 2009 Top Champion Producing Stud Dog, Sire Of 2005 LRC of the Potomac BOB, BOS and Best Puppy Sire of 2005. Responsive Website by inCommand Technologies. Jake has personality plus, a great desire to retrieve and loves to please. The genetic tests and health screenings we require for our Labrador studs are chosen based on their comprehensive genetic relevance. George is our beloved chocolate Grand Champion Labrador Retriever stud. Even if they do plan on showing their Labradors, people are still looking for a dog that will be a fun and loving member of their family. Should your female not conceive, or have less than two pups, we will perform the breeding an additional time at no additional cost. Were in Kansas City would you have any recommendations? My lab is ADORABLE he loves his tummy rubbed he is an inside / outdoors dog very protective, I would be interested with having a chat with you, I have a two year old pure bread Yellow Lab Stud and 105 LB (not fat). Use tab to navigate through the menu items. This means that our stud dogs are the best of the best examples of what the breed should bethe standard of how a Labrador Retriever should look and be builtas determined by a panel of experts that have singled them out. People seeking Labradors as pets will want to enjoy as many good years as possible with the dog they bring home, which means a Grand Champion pedigree will set your puppies apart from the rest, as it does for us. Skip the search and just take me to the Boys! If Kennel Club got any balls, they should make every stud dog, what ever their breed , have their genes checked. Although we like to refer to George as our linebacker stud, his formidable stature does not take away from his silly, happy-go-lucky, and affectionate personality. We differ from many other breeders in this way, in an effort to help improve and preserve the purity of the Labrador Retriever breed. And guess who else is fussy? A Grand Champion stud ancestry is important to a breeding program not just for the sake of producing puppies that can win awards and dominate shows. One of our mottos here at Hidden Pond Labradors is that if there was something better we could do for our dogs, we would be doing it. Customer Feedback We are located near Raleigh, NC. Do you want your Labrador to be a stud dog? But what about talent? So your dog is 42 in human years. RUN RIDE 'EM HIGH, MH, WCX. Best dog we have ever had! Jake loves the field work as well as just being with the family, he has depth, is veryintelligent, easy to train, and passes those great traits on to his offspring. This will cost you hundreds of dollars. Should you join a breed club? I have a BLACK LAB I have had him 12 months this September he was born 6/8/ 2019 I have a Labrador that is 7 years old and dont know how to sign him up for a breeding program. Aaron beat the breed record on breed points. He is a pedigree yellow labador and is looking to mate. I have a 2 1/2 year old pure breed Male Chocolate Lab. We do offer stud service either by shipped fresh chilled semen, or we can do the breeding here at our facility. This is not something that you can easily learn from a book or the internet Which is why you wont find the how to mate your dog dealt with here. Unfortunately being mated occasionally can make some adult male dogs hyper aware of the scent of females in their vicinity, and this can make them very upset and on edge. A litter consists of Two (2) live puppies at five (5) days post whelping. This article looks at what a stud dog is, how and when you can stud your dog, but perhaps more importantly, why and under what circumstances it is right to do so. The last thing you want is for them to get an SD from a partner. Your Ultimate Resource for Connecting Labrador Breeders, Owners, and Lovers All Over The World. Thunder is a beautiful example of a classic yellow Lab. So if your Labrador is from bench or show lines (English type) then you can get involved in entering him in your local shows. This will ensure you also get nice large litters. I have an AWESOME black lab with 100% pure pedigree, registered with AKC and a champion bloodline and a grandfather who is Googleable. All appropriate fees must be received prior to any shipment being made, personal checks will require time to clear, fees can also be paid via credit cards: AMX-VISA & Master Card or PayPal. The keywords below are available for searching our databases.Just input a KENNEL NAME Im looking for a bitch to mate with If the bitch fails to conceive, this transaction is to be considered final with no further obligation on either parties part. Pippa Mattinson is the best selling author of The Happy Puppy Handbook, the Labrador Handbook, Choosing The Perfect Puppy, and Total Recall. Most owners tend to wait too late, so as soon as you see these signs, its best to get her to us within the next few days. SiteMap ~ Please note that the size of the litter is generally determined by the fertility of the bitch. as it is formatted below to generate results for your inquiry. Quite often, they do it because they very much want a chip off the old block. Our purebred chocolate Labrador Retriever stud dogs are 'Firefield Samson' & Nativewood Solomon and Margasan Barak. ), So girl dog owners are fussy, and they want to sell their puppies for a reasonable price. How do I start in order to find him a mate? Litter is generally determined by the fertility of the litter is generally by! Please advise what to do to find him a mate a dog is built,! Here at our facility as an affectionate family dog and easily does both chocolate, and want. Is easy to miss at: bestinshow @ emlabradors.com meet their requirements, be. 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Greyhound Drink Vs Salty Dog, Rottweiler Lab Mix Puppy Near Berlin,