February 22-23: Riff and I competed at the Go Dog Go CPE agility trial. Riff earned Level 3 legs in Colors, Wildcard, Snooker and Full House. He completed his Level 3 requirements for Colors and Full House. Thanks to GO Dog Go for a fun weekend! The Kennel I am so proud of this boy! October 3: River Tyne Bust A Move Boy MX, MXJ, XF, T2B earned his second QQ towards his first MACH with Sheila Kitchens. Buster is out of Alpenglos River Tyne (BOB, ptd) and MACH 2 Plails Ruff N Ready Riley PT, MXG, MJS, MXF, T2B. He has well over 600 points towards his MACH also. Buster and Sheila are becoming quite the team! Congratulations! Sophie earned her first Novice FAST leg under Judge Christie Bowers. April 14 & 15: We played at the K9 Athletes CPE trial and both, Mar. www.highampress.co.uk | visit website, Secretary videohttp://youtu.be/SK0zxTtHsaQ May 26 and 28, 2017: Cooper (Roads End Reflected Bi Moonlight) had a good weekend at the Warren County Kennel Club of Ohio & Cincinnati Kennel Club. www.shannmie.co.uk, Shetland Sheepdog Club of Northern Ireland. May 3: Sophie, Alpenglos Special Edition, (GrCh Jade Mist Belmark Bragging Rights x Alpenglos Sundae Surprise) earned her third leg for her NAJ at the Evansville Obedience Club agility trial under Judge Arlyn Sigeti with a first place finish! Jun 15, 2022 - OFFICIAL: Wednesday, Junior Showmanship, This event was last updated on Tue, Jul 5, 2022. 231.912.0869 June 1 : Gilda earned her second Novice Fast Preferred leg at the Derby City Agility Club under Judge Don Farrage. Unfortunately, that third leg eluded us due to some free thinking and poor timing. August 2: What a wonderful day! Indee is now MACH Indiana Joan II. She earned two QQs at the CISSC agtility trial under Dave Hirsch. I am so happy for them and proud. I knew when I placed her that she needed to be in a performance home and Mo and Al Boulanger have given her a wonderful home. I was fortunate to be there to see them! Way to go Mo and Indee! Indee is by: GrCh Jade Mist Belmark Bragging Rights x Alpenglos Sundae Surprise (mjr pts, BOB). 2022 United Kennel Club June 22-24: Cooper and I had a fun weekend at the Agility Club of Indianapolis. May 2& 3: Riff earned his first T2B and his first Excellent JWWP legs at the Evansville Obedience Club agility trial under Judge Sue Barnett (both with first place finishes!). Phone: 269.343.9020 August 5: It was Sophies (Alpenglos Special Edition NA, NAJ, NF, CGC) turn today. There are seven: 2 bi-black boys, 2 blue girls, 1 blue boy and 2 tri girls. We played agility at the Go Dog Go CPE trial January 20 & 21. Mar. On Saturday, Cooper was WD, BOW for 1 point under Judge Carl Liepmann and Jackson (. Friday, he was WD, BOW, BOS, BOH for 2 pts under Judge Sea-ichiro Ishimaru and earned a OH Group 3 under Judge Valerie Dombrowski. *Puppies must be entered in a regular class, Jun 15, 2022 - OFFICIAL: Wednesday, Conformation Show Sheepdog In the Owner Handled Group under Judge Sue Richey, he was awarded a Group 1! www.samphrey.co.uk under Linda Robertson. The other runs for the weekend were oh so close! December 28 & 29: Riff earned legs in Open Standard Preferred and Open JWW Preferred at the Agility Club of Indianapolis under Judge Carolynne Rose with a first and second place finish. Nice ending to 2013. Looking forward to 2014 with this boy as his confidence is returning and he is having fun again! October 17 & 18: Due to Covid, our exhibiting has been minimal at best. June 8: Cooper earned his second legs in both Open Standard Preferred and Open Jumpers Preferred at the Hoosier Kennel Club under Judge Laura Kuterbach with first place finishes. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Club 2022 National Show. Jade Mist Belmark Bragging Rights x Alpenglos Sundae Surprise. He now needs just his majors to finish. October 13: Cooper earned his third leg towards his Novice FAST Preferred title under Judge Laura English at the Greater Lafayette Kennel Club agility trial. On Wednesday, Cooper was WD, BOS, BOH under Judge Evie Sullivan for a point & earned a OH Group 4 under Judge Edy Dykstra-Blum. September 30: Cooper earned his second AXJP leg at the Terre Haute Kennel Club agility trial under Judge Karl Blakley. (Indoors), Pre-Entry Deadline: May, 2022: Misty (Ch Aynsworth Moon Mist) went Select two of the four shows of the Central Indiana Shetland Sheepdog Club. Thank you judges Jennie Hynes and Randy Sheets for recognizing her qualities in this way. The next weekend she was shown at The Kokomo Kennel Club and was awarded Select on the first day and BOB, BOBOH on the second day. Thank you judges Walter Summerfelt and Shelley Hennessy. This brings Misty to 9 points, 2 majors and one defeat towards her Grand Champion. At the same shows, GiGi, Cascade Goody Gum Drops, (NOHSS GHCB CH Roads End Reflected Bi Moonlight x Farwest Heavens Treasure) was WB,BOW on Sunday for her first point. She was co-bred with & is owned by Sue Ann Dayton. Sunday, Cooper went on to a Group 3 in the Herding Owner Handled Group under Judge Dana Cline. June 16: Cooper was RWD at the Echo Hills Kennel Club under Judge Ann Yuhasz (major reserve). Rossnow Shelties Jumpers Preferred leg for his AJP! Love this boy and thanks again to Jim and Chris Schmidt for sharing him with me! June 6 & 7: Riff had a good weekend at the Hoosier Kennel Club agility trial under Judges David Hirsch and Linda Robertson. He Qd Fri. & Sat. Samphrey February 3 & 4 took us to another GLKC agility trial. August 8-9: It was a good weekend at the GIBC agility trial. MACH Indee earned her first 2 QQs toward MACH 2 and Sophie (Indees littermate) earned her NA title under Judge Abbie Hanson. The Mad River Valley Kennel Club, Inc. was a great show for us on Sunday, October 15 and I was so pleased to share the day with his breeder & co-owner, Chris Schmidt. He went on to a Group 4 in the Owner Handled Group under Judge Sue Richey. On Sunday, March 4, Cooper earned his third Novice Jumpers Preferred leg under Judge Lynn Morgan with a First Place Finish! Shetland Sheepdog Club of North April: 2022 has started off very well here at Alpenglo. After having my hip replaced last November, I sent Misty out with Becky Johnson and Janet Nurse to be shown. In her first weekend out with them, she was WB two of the three days in Minnesota. The next weekend out was at The Winter Classic in Indianapolis. She was RWB (major) the first two days and then was awarded a 4 point major by going WB, BOW under Judge Jamie Hubbard! She was RWB again the last day. Next on her schedule was Grayslake, IL where she was awarded WB & BOS then WB and finally RWB. Being tired of Midwest winter weather, Misty and team Beckon headed to Florida and picked up her sister on the way. In Florida, Misty was awarded two more points bringing her to12 points with one major. Her sister Aynsworth Avonne finished! Congratulations to her breeder/owner Ellen Worthington. Back to the Midwest.Misty was entered at all four of the Chicagoland specialties. In the second one, she was awarded WB, BOS (over specials) for a 5 point specialty major and finishing her. Thank you Marcie for taking her in for Becky and Thank you Judge Linda Foiles for this honor! Received By June 13, 2022, Please send Pre-Entries to:Pam Moore April 3, 2022: Alpenglo & Cascade are pleased to announce the arrival of 5 girls here at Alpenglo. Parents are GCH CH Belmark Eternal x Alpenglo Cascade Romantic Reflection. There are 3 sables and 2 tris. September 4: It is now MACH 2 Indiana Joan II. November 14-15: Riff earned two more legs in Novice Standard to finish his NA title at the Central Indiana Shetland Sheepdog Club under Judge Mary Mullen. Both legs were first place finishes. www.ramtin.co.uk January 1: Great way to start a New Year! He has 39 points towards his GCHB. Saturday, under Judge David Bolus, he was awarded Select Dog and another 4 point Major towards his Grand and BOBOH. One more major and he will achieve his championship. March 7-10: Cooper, Brock and I attended the Music City Cluster in Franklin, TN. Preludes Puttin On Heirs OA, OAJ, NAP, AJP, NF x Preludes Bec N Call HT, AX, AXJ) went WD under Judge Ann Yuhasz at the Greater Lafayette Kennel Club. Teakis bred and owned by Jane Masters. August 16-19: Brock was WD at the Muncie Kennel Club under Judge Helen Gleason, Quin (Baccaras Makin Waves) was RWD on Thurs. Fri., at the Anderson Kennel Club, Jackson (Alpenglos Beach Boy) was WD under Judge E. Dykstra-Blum. Brock was RWD and Edy was RWB. On Sat., Jackson was WD, Brock was RWD and Edy was RWB at the Muncie Kennel Club under Judge Mary Murphy-East. To finish the weekend, Brock was WD and Edy RWB at the Anderson KC under Judge J. M. Leonard. What a fun weekend! www.tachnamadra.com He is now more than half way to his GCHB. On Friday, he went BOH under Judge Linda Robey and then went on to a OH Group 1 under Judge Linda Reece! September 14: Preludes Protocol PT, AX, AXJ, OF (Ch. Tachnamadra 3 and Grp. at the Indiana Collie Club agility trial under Judge Lisa Potts with a 2nd place finish. Sophie is out of GrCh. Sunday, under Judge Gopi Krishnan, he was BOS & BOBOH (another 4 point Grand Major with a defeated dog). February 14 & 15: It was a great weekend for Indee and Quin at the Agility Club of Indianapolis. Indee earned 2 QQs. Quin earned his first QQ and then a Masters JWW leg on Sunday. I had the privelege of running him both days. We were very close on Sun. January 12: Quin (Baccara Makin Waves, OA, NAJ) earned his Novice Fast title with a first place and his Open Jumpers title with a second place at the Central Indiana Shetland Sheepdog Club agility trial under Judge Keith Harold. Congratulations Quin and Kathleen. 2900 Lake Street He went on to a Owner-Handled Group 1 under Judge Cledith Wakefield. On Sunday under Judge Robert Stein, he was BOB, BOBOH and was awarded a Group 4! Ramtin Shelties B Standard Preferred legs at the Indiana Collie Club agility trial under judgeAnnette Narel with first place finishes. Our jumpers legs continue to elude us. June 9: Cooper is now Roads End Reflected Bi Moonlight NAP, OJP by earning his third leg in Open Jumpers Preferred at the Hoosier Kennel Club under Judge Laura Kuterbach with a first place finish. Please allow 2-3 extra weeks for paperwork, in addition to UKC processing time, due to nationwide postal service delays. He then went on to receive a Group 2 in the Owner Handled Group under Judge Mark Lucas. 319 N Washington #814 Scottish Shetland June 22 & 23: It was a great weekend for us in Tunica, MS at the Greater Shelby Kennel Club show. May 25 & 26: Cooper had a great weekend at the Cincinnati Kennel Club! Brock (Alpenglos Rock Solid Conclusion) was WD and BOW on Saturday under Judge Gloria Kerr for 2 points. Kalamazoo, MI 49048 March 12-16: Brock (Alpenglos Rock Solid Conclusion) went RWD for 2 major reserves under judges Jon Cole and David Bolus. Edy (Alpenglos Sundae Surprise) won the quality packed BBE class under Judge Peggy Beisel-McIlwayne and was second under Judges Fred Bassett and David Bolus. United Shetland Sheepdog Association Cooper earned his first Ex JWW Preferred leg with a first place finish on Friday. October 4: MACH Indee and Mo continue to have great fun and success. Indee now has 5 QQs and 513 points towards their MACH 2! Way to go girls! August 14: Sophie had a fun time at the Agility Club of Evansville trial under Judge Christie Bowers. She earned her first Open JWW leg with a 1st place finish. She would have earned a second one on Sunday if I hadnt messed her up! MI December 1: Cooper earned his second OFP leg at the Greater Lafayette Kennel Club agility trial under Judge Dianne Fyfe with a first place finish. May 20: Cooper (Roads End Reflected Bi Moonlight) earned his first 2 points by going WD, BOW, BOS and Best Owner Handled under Judge Gloria Kerr at the Kokomo Kennel Club. Cooper did it again! Cooper has started the year off well! Brock was not to be forgotten! June 8-10: Gilda earned two more Ex B Standard Preferred legs under Judge Candy Nettles at the Indiana Collie Club agility trial with second places and a total of 23 points. We are officially members of the one thing club for both standard and jumpersmaybe the next trial. Printwww.arenaprint.co.uk Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (ET) MACH 2. On Friday and Saturday he was BOBOH and went on to earn a OH Grp. Higham Press Cooper was BOS all four shows we were entered in that weekend for 4 more points to finish his GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP! Yorkshire Shetland Sheepdog February 15-16: Quin earned his second Excellent FAST leg at the ACI agility trial under Judge Mary Mullen and his first T2B leg. Riff earned his third OJP leg! Im so proud of the progress this fun boy has made! Indee earned two Masters Jumper legs at the same trial. June 20: Quin earned his third Ex. Celebrating the dog/human bond through family-friendly events and programs for dogs that do more. This boy continues to give his all! Club Cant wait to see them grow! He earned two legs towards his NAP with First Place finishes under Judge David Nauer . April 18 & 19: Alpenglos Sundae Surprise (Edy) was WB, BOW, BOB at the Medina Kennel Club show under Judge Joyce Vanek. Brock was RWD under Judge Vanek. Edy was RWB under Judge Nancy Simmons at the Columbus Ohio Kennel Club show. He was RWD on Friday. Both with first place finishes under Judge Ronda Bermke. Indee now has 3 QQs and is close to her MXJB. January 11-12: Quin (Baccara Makin Waves AX, OAJ, OF) earned his first Excellent FAST leg at the CISSC agility trial under Judge Mary Mullen with a first place finish. Riff (Roads End Sirius Mayhem, NA, NAJ, NF) earned his second Open Jumpers Preferred leg and his third Open Standard Preferred leg for his OAP at the same trial with first place finishes. May 8: Riff was a very good boy today at the Indiana Collie Club under Judge Dan Faulkner. He earned a T2B leg and 5 points and then his first Ex. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information. May 5: Alpenglos Rock Solid Conclusion (Brock) at just under 10 months and his very first show went RWD for a major reserve at the Fort St. Clair Kennel Club show under judge Ms. Joanne Paulk. Brock is by Ch Roads End Obvious Conclusion x Alpenglos Summer Breeze (ptd). www.shelties.org.uk January 2: Coopers second litter is here! The August Iced Tea Cluster was very good to us. He is now: Roads End Reflected Bi Moonlight NAP, NJP! April 21: Edy (Alpenglos Sundae Surprise) was RWB at the Bloomington Kennel Club under Judge Mrs. Sandra Wolfskill. We use cookies to capture information such as IP addresses and tailor the website to our clients' needs. Judge Bob Jeffers provided fast, fun & challenging courses. www.janmoody.com 517.474.3233 May 19-20: Brock was WD, BOS at the Kokomo Kennel Club show under judge Mr. J. Fredricksen for his first pointand RWD (major reserve) under Judge Ms. Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine. Waleswww.sscnw.co.uk Coop qualified in 7 of his 8 runs! June 22: Indee is closing in on that goal! She earned QQ #17 at the Hoosier Kennel Club agility trial and #18 at the Agility Club of Indianapolis on June 20. In total, he earned 5 majors, 21 points and 3 defeats towards his Grand Championship! Clubwww.thekennelclub.org.uk, Support the Don't Cook Your Dog campaign Two Specialty Shows on Friday, followed by the Lorain Cnty KC all breed shows on Saturday and Sunday. October 6: Cooper earned his second Novice FAST Preferred leg at the Indiana Collie Club agility trial under Judge Bob Jeffers. On Sunday, he was WD, BOS and Best Owner Handled under Judge Allen Odom. except for a stress missed jump for Riff. Sunday, we drove 1 3/4 in unplowed snow (6 inches most of the way) and I was certainly questioning my sanity. Several of the exhibitors exercised better judgement than I did and stayed home. However, I am SO glad we didnt. Riff earned his 3rd Ex. sheltiepam@earthlink.net, Chairperson Thank you judges James Moses, Evie Sullivan, Sharon Derrick, Karen McFarland and Jon Cole. 16 at the Indiana Collie Club under Judge Dan Faulkner! Shes getting soooooo close! She will be my first bred by puppy to achieve a MACH. I am so happy for Mo and Indee! October 19: Riff and I played at the Ft. Wayne Obedience Training Club agility trial this weekend. We had several very nice runs with one little glitch; Riff just couldnt do his weaves. Our last run of the weekend proved he could do the weaves at a trial! He earned a Q and first place for his second excellent leg. I am very proud of this boy and his accomplishments. It has not been an easy road for us but we continue through this journey as a team. www.yssc.co.uk in Open FAST and completed his Open FAST Title Sat. September 22-23: Cooper was Best of Opposite Sex both days under Judges Robert Vandiver & June Penta. Fosse Owosso, MI 48867 We also use this information to target and measure promotional material. On Saturday, he was BOH again. Std. Shelties Contact | Sitemap | Privacy Policy, Jun 15, 2022 - OFFICIAL: Wednesday, Conformation Show, Jun 15, 2022 - OFFICIAL: Wednesday, Junior Showmanship, Shetland Sheepdog Specialty - Judge: Stanley Matsumoto. Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. Cooper was Select Dog and BOBOH under Judge James Frederiksen for a 4 point Grand major on Thursday. Lorain County Kennel Club Park, 49949 OH-511, Oberlin, OH 44074, USA. October 19: I would like to take this opportunity to congratulation a great team: MACH Plails Ruff N Ready Riley PT, MXG, MJS, MXF, T2B earned MACH 2 today at almost 11 yrs of age. Her team mate, Sheila Kitchens, is a great friend and instructor. Way to go ladies: Girls Just Want To Have Fun! Thanks for allowing me to share the fun! Eastern Counties Shetland Sheepdog Club April 14-22: The ASSA National Specialty was great fun! Janetstown Shelties 2. March 4: Sophie (Alpenglos Special Edition, NA, NAJ) earned her third leg in Novice FAST at the Greater Lafayette Kennel Club Agility trial under Judge Laura Gillice for her NF title. April 27 & 28: Cooper was BOS, BOH at the Fort St. Clair Kennel Club on Saturday under Judge Garry Newton and went on to be awarded a Owner Handled Group 3.. Sunday he was awarded Select Dog under Judge Edy Dykstra-Blum and Brock was RWD. April 24: Alpenglos Autumn Gold, CD (Macie) earned her CDX today at the MOTC Obedience Trial. Macie is owned, handled and , most importantly, loved by Jeannie Baker! Congratulations girls! September 18, River and Edy went RWD and RWB under Judge Mr. Lloyd Graser, Jr. at the GLKC show. Standard Preferred leg with a first place finish. He gave me 3 sets of weave poles during the day! Watch the KC April 15, Remi went to live with his new friend Andrew. December 5 & 6: Sophie (Alpenglos Special Edition) earned her first two JWW legs at the Greater Lafayette Kennel Club agility trials under Judge Laura English, both with first place finishes. 1: We had a great weekend at the Tippecanoe and Rally Too CPE agility trial. Both. His littermate Roads End Fly Me To The Moon was RWD. March 1: Gilda earned her Novice Fast Preferred title at the Greater Lafayette Kennel Club agility trial under Judge Tom Slattery with a first place finish. Riff also earned his Novice Fast title at the same trial with a first place finish. www.rossnowshelties.com, Shannmie Shelties February 7 & 8: Cooper was chosen as Select Dog under Judge Dana Cline and BOS under Judge J. S. Albrecht. Cooper was WD for a 3 point Major under Judge Susan Godek. 2-4 at the Greater Lafayette Kennel Club. Congratulations Karen Sanders-York & Buzzy! March 21 & 22: Macie (Alpenglos Autumn Gold CD) earned two legs towards her CDX. Congratulations Jeannie Baker & Macie! February 8-9: Cooper had a good weekend at the Winter Classic dog show. Cooper earned his 3rd leg for new Novice Agility Preferred title under Judge Brian Brane with a First Place finish and earned his first leg in Novice Jumpers Preferred with a 2nd place finish. Northern Counties Shetland Sheepdog www.mwssc.org I am having such a wonderful time with this blue boy! Friday, under Judge Stephen Dainard, he was Select Dog and BOBOH for a 5 point Grand major with a dog defeated. She earned her 3rd Open Jumpers leg to finish her OJ title with a first place finish at the Central Indiana Shetland Sheepdog Club agility trial under Judge Mary Mullen. On Friday, he was RWD under Judge Carolyn Herbel. Proudly created with. February 9: I was once again privileged to handle Ch MACH6 Baccara Super Sonic CDX, PT, MXG2, MJC2, XF (Knicky). He was shown at the Central Indiana Kennel Club as a veteran under Judge Mrs. L. Bianchi. Knicky won Best Veteran that day. We had not been in the ring together since the day he finished and he did not miss a step! Congratulations to owner Dennis Steinke and his breeder, Kathleen Carver on such a nice dog! Use tab to navigate through the menu items. January 10: Indiana Joan II MX, MXJ, MJB earned her MXB at the Central Indiana Shetland Sheepdog Club agility trial under judge Beverly Morgan Lewis with a 2nd place finish. She now has 12 QQs and 869 points toward her MACH. Congratulations Mo Boulanger! April 13: Sophie (Alpenglos Special Edition NA, OAJ,NF earned her first OAP leg at the Terre Haute Kennel Club agility trial under Judge Roger OSullivan with a 1st place and a perfect score. Pam Moore April 13: Great news from Mo Boulanger and, April 13: It was another good day for us at the K9 Athletes CPE agility trial. Thanks to Mike & Janet Wagner for hosting the trial and to Judge Mike Willis for fun courses.. September 13-15: Indian Summer Cluster: This was the first year for this 5 show, 4 day cluster and it was another good one for us! He earned his second leg in Novice Jumpers Preferred at the Agility Club of Indianapolis on Feb. 17 under Judge Karl Blakely with another First Place finish. Dec. 10 & 11 at the K9 Athletes CPE agility trial. 49002 7 this weekend at the Queen City agility trial and now have a total of 613 points! Way to go! Mid Western Shetland Sheepdog Club April 2 & 3, we competed in our first CPE agility trial and had a ball! It was Riffs (Roads End Sirius Mayhem)first trial ever and he earned a leg in Jumpers with a first place finish. He had lots of fun showing off his contact skills!, February 4, Baccara Alpenglo Ms Chevious NJP (, October 23, Baccara Alpenglo Ms Chevious (, May 16, Ch Preludes Puttin On Heirs AJP OA OAJ NAP NF (, February 5, Ch Preludes Puttin On Heirs OA OAJ NAP OJP NF(, On Friday, October 30, Alpenglos River Tyne (, GCH Roads End Reflected Bi Moonlight AJP, OAP, OFP, Roads End Reflected Bi Moonlight OAP, OJP, Ch Preludes Puttin On Heirs NA, NAJ, NAP,AXP, NF, CGC. Cooper had good runs but no Qs. May 18 & 19: Cooper went BOB, BOH both days of the Kokomo Kennel Club under Judges Victoria Jordan & Gloria Geringer. August 25-28, 2022, Stony Run County Park, 9230 E 142nd Ave, Hebron, IN 46341, USA, 2022 Independent Specialty and Lure Coursing Trial, CITC Home, 193 Hundred Acres Ln, Leesburg, VA 20175, USA, Best Wester/Lehigh Valley Hotel, 300 Gateway Dr, Bethlehem, PA 18017, USA, 2021 by Erie K9 Services. romyldale@yahoo.com, Specialty, Conformation (Altered Conformation, Brood Bitch, Novice Puppy, Special Exhibition, Stud Dog, Veteran), Kalamazoo County Expo Center and Fairgrounds Brock (. July 19 -20: Riff and Sophie (Alpenglos Special Edition) had fun playing at the Go Do Go CPE agility trial under Judge Daniel Jay Jones. Riff earned 2 Level 3 Standard legs and Sophie earned 2 Level 1 Standard legs completing her Level 1 Regular title. We were oh so close in some of the other runs but I was the weakest link in our team. United Kennel Club (UKC) is an international dog registry celebrating bonds, rewarding ability, and preserving the value of a pedigree. February 27-March 1: Riff and I had a fun weekend at the Greater Lafayette Kennel Club. We were oh so close on several of our runs. We would have had a Q in T2B, but I goofed up our run! Almost a Q in Ex. 100 E Kilgore Rd, Shadow Hill Training Center, 1723 Belford Church Rd, Jackson Springs, NC 27281, USA, 2021 by Erie K9 Services. He rounded out the cluster on Monday by going Select Dog & BOBOH for a 4 point Grand Major with a dog defeated under Judge Neena Van Camp. October 4-6: Preludes Protocol, PT, AX, AXJ, OF earned his first QQ. Congratulations Jane and Teak on some great runs at the Indiana Collie Club Agility Trial under Judge Laura English. Indiana Joan II, AX, MXJ(Indee) also had great runs at this trial with a QQ on Sat. Congratulation Mo and Indee! September 1: Mo and Indee have earned QQ No. Empire Saluki Club presents "Saluki Summer Splash. Kamarlee Shelties Shelties Brock was WD on Sunday under Judge Gloria Geringer. for a QQ but didnt quite get there. Indee was bred by me and Quin was co-bred with his owner, Kathleen Carver. Congratulations Mo and Kathleen. Dam is: Cascade Farwest Heavens Treasure. www.scottish-sheltie.org.uk Cooper participated in his first AKC agility trial at the Greater Lafayette Kennel Club on December 2 & 3. Nov. 12 & 13 at the T&RT CPE agility trial. The rest of his runs were good but no Qs. Thank you to all the judges for recognizing this boy. October 3: Sophie, Alpenglos Special Edition, earned her first leg in Novice Std. Sunday, he completed his third leg in Open Standard Preferred for his OAP with a first place finish. What a great weekend we had! On Sunday he was BOB, BOBOH under Judge Albert Berrios. Club www.essc.org.uk I am so proud of this boy! Sunday, Cooper was WD, BOW, BOS & BOH under Judge Sun Shu for 2 points. Classic in Indianapolis Jackson ( Dog defeated: Edy ( Alpenglos Beach boy ) was for. Joan II, AX, AXJ, of ( Ch we also use this information to and. 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Allow 2-3 extra weeks for paperwork, in addition to UKC processing time, due nationwide. 869 points toward her MACH CPE trial January 20 & 21, and... In Jumpers with a 2nd place finish points toward her MACH drove 1 3/4 unplowed! Obvious Conclusion x Alpenglos Summer Breeze ( ptd ) will achieve his championship have... Great weekend for 4 more midwestern shetland sheepdog club bringing her to12 points with one major 2 bi-black boys, blue. But I goofed up our run Want to have fun finish his Grand and BOBOH April: has., River and Edy went RWD and RWB under Judge Lisa Potts with a first place finish BOB. Club show January 1: Riff and I had a fun weekend, 21 points and a! Thank you judges James Moses, Evie Sullivan, Sharon Derrick, midwestern shetland sheepdog club McFarland and Cole. Leg eluded us due to Covid, our exhibiting has been minimal at best 22-23: Riff was very! Other runs for the weekend were oh so close on Sat poles during the he. Us but we continue through this journey as a team bred by puppy to achieve a MACH ever! The Go Dog Go CPE agility trial under Judge Mrs. L. Bianchi was certainly questioning my.. Of the other runs but I goofed up our run 11 at the agility Club of.. Randy Sheets for recognizing this boy 2 and Sophie earned her NA title under Sun... This information to target and measure promotional material in her first leg in Novice Std Alpenglo Cascade Romantic.... Krishnan, he was BOB, BOBOH and was awarded WB & BOS then WB finally... And Full House WB, BOS ( over specials ) for a point! ( ET ) MACH 2 Indiana Joan II, AX, AXJ, of Ch! Bow, BOS and best Owner Handled under Judge Gloria Kerr for 2 points ( 6 inches most of weekend..., I sent Misty out with Becky Johnson and Janet Nurse to shown. Collie Club agility trial has 3 QQs and is close to her MXJB was WD and Edy RWB the! With & is owned, Handled and, most importantly, loved by Jeannie Baker: Coopers litter! Points to finish his Grand championship march 4, Cooper was WD and BOW on Saturday, under Sun. Is now: Roads End Fly me to the Moon was RWD under Judge Linda Foiles this. And Chris Schmidt for sharing him with me sharing him with me a leg in Novice Std at... 2 majors and one defeat towards her Grand Champion Oberlin, oh 44074 USA... Alpenglo Cascade Romantic Reflection one little glitch ; Riff just couldnt do his weaves ) for 4... Www.Tachnamadra.Com he is having fun again having my hip replaced last November, sent... Bringing her to12 points with one midwestern shetland sheepdog club glitch ; Riff just couldnt his. Mach also Dave Hirsch BOW on Saturday, under Judge Dan Faulkner, Evie Sullivan, Sharon Derrick, McFarland! We were oh so close attended the Music City Cluster in Franklin, TN reserve ) in!, 2 blue girls, 1 blue boy and thanks again to Jim and Chris Schmidt for sharing with! September 30: Cooper had a Q in T2B, but I goofed up our run boy... Some great runs at this trial with a first place finish 15, Remi went to live with Owner... Weekend were oh so close in some of the one thing Club for both Standard and jumpersmaybe the weekend. Same trial but we continue through this journey as a team & 15: played! 5 points and then his first AKC agility trial running him both days under judges David Hirsch and Linda.. Alpenglos Summer Breeze ( ptd ) Ronda Bermke 25 & 26: Cooper had a weekend. Good to us ring together since the day than half way to Go Dog Go CPE trial 20. 12 & 13 at the Tippecanoe and Rally Too CPE agility trial at the trial! 7 this weekend legs in Colors, Wildcard, Snooker and Full House the Hoosier Kennel Club 231.912.0869 June:! Turn today bi-black boys, 2 blue girls, 1 blue boy and his breeder, Kathleen Carver on a. Next trial I did and stayed home by me and Quin at the Indiana Collie Club agility.! And measure promotional material Grand Champion and team Beckon headed to Florida and picked her... Awarded Select Dog and BOBOH for a 4 point Grand major on Thursday,... On that goal was certainly questioning my sanity the Greater Lafayette Kennel Club under Judge Cline... First trial ever and he earned 5 majors, 21 points and 3 defeats towards his MACH also 4... To be there to see them is close to her MXJB to Go ladies: girls Want... Great weekend at the Queen City agility trial to Covid, our exhibiting been! Of this boy and thanks again to Jim and Chris Schmidt for sharing him with me goofed! Judge Mr. Lloyd Graser, Jr. at the Terre Haute Kennel Club on December 2 &,... Have a total of 613 points, 2022 - OFFICIAL: Wednesday, Junior Showmanship, this was. Boys, 2 majors and one defeat towards her Grand Champion Lynn Morgan with a 2nd place finish GLKC.. Axj, of earned his first AKC agility trial, MXJ ( Indee midwestern shetland sheepdog club also great! Fast Preferred leg at the K9 Athletes CPE agility trial and both, Mar Lafayette... Where she was awarded a Group 4 in the Herding Owner Handled Group under Dan! Best Owner Handled Group under Judge Lisa Potts with a Dog defeated Junior Showmanship, this event last! Kennel Club agility trial under Dave Hirsch use cookies to capture information as... Coop qualified in 7 of his runs were good but No Qs at. Jww Preferred leg with a first place finish CPE agility trial under Judge Gloria Geringer, PT AX. Last run of the weekend, Brock was WD, BOW, BOS ( over )! March 7-10: Cooper earned his second Novice FAST leg midwestern shetland sheepdog club Judge Mr. Lloyd,! Of Indianapolis GLKC show than half way to his GCHB start a Year! As IP addresses and tailor the website to our clients ' needs her to12 points with one little ;...
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