Tiniest Frenchie Puppy Is Pure Inspiration | This itty bitty Frenchie was born extra tiny with all the odds stacked against him. Mini French Bulldogs can cost thousands when going through a breeder, but a shelter will often charge a fraction of this. Bathing should be done once every few weeks with a dog-safe shampoo, and your Frenchies teeth should be kept clean with a toothbrush and dog-safe toothpaste each day. If you notice any of those things, it is a good idea to visit your local vet. Some will look more like French Bulldogs, and some more like Chihuahuas. Royal Frenchel's are sold here on this website only. Raising a Mini French Bulldog is expensive, thanks to their long list of health issues. That said, if you have your heart set on this little dog in spite of what weve learned, then its important to pick a breeder you trust when looking for a Mini Frenchie. The French Bulldog is not a member of the toy dog group (e.g. Farmers Insurance, a company that provides pet insurance as one of its many types of insurance policies, recognizes the Royal Frenchel for its laid-back personality, athleticism, and ability to become an excellent family dog. Since they have a single-layer coat, a quick weekly brushing will be enough. This health issue is one that many small dog breeds with short noses and smooshed-in faces suffer from as well, like the pomeranian and shih tzu. As we discussed above in our section on Mini French Bulldog health, your dogs diet can play a vital role in his overall health and happiness. 1. Are you considering getting a Mini French Bulldog? The Mini French Bulldog A Brief Breed Overview, 1. Any dog breed can suffer from separation anxiety, but some breeds are more prone to it than others, including the standard and mini French bulldog. Is the house/kennel clean? Royal Frenchels, on the other hand, were created by a number of breeds crossing and allowing gene pools to loosen up the superglue of the traditional Frenchie genes to create an Award Winning long-lived dog with superior health and a great personality. Since the dogs have somewhat bowed legs, it can really affect their joints and hips. However, if you do have a larger area for the dogs to live in that is great! Training and socialization should begin as early as possible and should be carried out throughout your Mini French Bulldogs life. The good news is that there is a way to go about getting a Mini French Bulldog that will help ensure you get the healthiest Frenchie possible. Is a French bulldog the right breed for me? Theyre also affectionate, love to snuggle, and can pick up on the emotions of those around them. In addition, there are several Facebook groups that warn others of backyard/scam breeders. A French Bulldog crossbreed can be a great alternative to a mini Frenchie if you do your research and choose a reputable breeder who tests all their breeding stock for any inherited health conditions. Hes also relatively quiet and mild-mannered, so long as he is kept busy with a fun toy or KONG. Many puppies are born with health issues, especially if breeders are not careful, and this can exasperate costs. The Mini French Bulldog will do best on a quality dog food specified for his age, weight and activity level. They will make great companions that could fit right in your pocket (not really, but you know youd wanna put one in your pocket!). The cost of breeding a French Bulldog litter can hike up the price when it comes to selling a puppy, which brings us to supply and demand. This is for Jeanna Baired, the Frenchton breeder, would like to hear more about the Frenchton breed and see pictures if available, you can e-mail me or message me on Facebook, I really enjoyed this article. Crossbreed of a French Bulldog with a different, smaller dog breed then re-breeding until the looks of a full French Bulldog that is smaller is met, usually by second or third generation. German Shepherd Corgi MixBreed 10 Things to Know They cannot swim, so you will have to keep them away from any deep water. Its also important to ask about the temperament of any dog you are interested in and any potential health issues. And now that Mini French Bulldogs have hit the scene, youre likely to see the cost of these dogs skyrocket. Sometimes runts are born smaller for no particular reason, while others are born smaller due to serious health defects. Crossbreeding is another controversial practice, though its also another age old one that has been going on since the beginning of the human/dog relationship. Most experts agree that the ideal breeder of a Mini French Bulldog puppy is a breeder who sells crossbreed Frenchies. Youll be surprised at how far it gets you! When purchasing either breed, always research your breeder. And, because there are different sizes of Royal Frenchels, you can even choose one that will keep its puppy-like look throughout its lifetime, much like the teacup French bulldog puppy. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. French Bulldog with a different, smaller dog breed, The Frenchie Chihuahua hybrid dog appearance, Frenchton Dogs 101 Boston Terrier French Bulldog Mix Designer. What is a French Bulldogs Temperament Like? When you breed this dog to be even smaller, those health issues are often compounded, leading to a dog that suffers throughout his life. These dogs can be prone to boredom, and will need plenty to do to help keep them busy during the day. The Royal Frenchel is a unique breed with only one official breeder. Another red flag is the breeder hesitating to give records for any vet exam, immunizations or any other medical documentation. From there, raising them can be even more expensive due to health issues. However, if left alone for too long or if he has not had the proper training and socialization, Mini French Bulldogs can become anxious and destructive. Its Important To Get Your Mini French Bulldog Through A Reputable Source. Over the years this adorable breed has grown in popularity. This breed of French Bulldog actually originated in England, but when the revolution was happening, Nottingham lace workers brought the dogs into France. Now that he is being miniaturized, the Mini French Bulldogs long list of health problems has only gotten longer. The Royal Frenchel breed story is one that other breeds cant compare to. Check online reviews - so you were told a breeder was highly recommended by someone, we don't believe that's enough information. If you love the thought of tiny English bulldogs, then you are up for a real treat! I breed Frenchton and they are simply amazing healthy dogs. Every time a breeder refers to a dog in those terms you can expect the price tag of the dog to double or triple than normal asking. The Australian Shepherd Lab Mix Your Ultimate Breed Information Guide There is no denying that a mini French bulldog, also known as a teacup French bulldog, is adorable. Remember, breeders breeding Mini French Bulldogs are already partaking in a less than responsible practice, especially if they are breeding runts or dwarfism into their litters. This is a normal request and will be asked by most responsible ethical breeders. As we mentioned briefly above, getting your Mini French Bulldog from a republic source is key to ensuring you get the healthiest Mini French Bulldog posible. I learned a lot ready this article. Frenchies are people dogs. Comments will be approved before showing up. French Bulldogs will get angry and destroy things to get your attention if you are ignoring them or not there for them.If you are a stay at home mom/dad, work from home, or have the option to take your Frenchie to your work, it might be a good fit. Larger Royals tend to be more into hiking and adventures than smaller Royals, but all of them do well with a moderate exercise routine that keeps them moving, agile, and fit. Most reputable great breeders take a deposits for their pups months in advance before the litter is even confirmed and that is due to the community knowing the reputation of the breeder and the dogs. Some common cross breed mixes that could equate to a Mini French Bulldog would include: Another method some breeders use to breed Mini French Bulldogs is the method of breeding runts. It is not unusual for your French bulldog to find a couple of things valuable. Royal Frenchel Bulldogs are superior to your typical mini French bulldog when it comes to health, personality and overall breed. Youll always have a loyal dog by your side if you decide to purchase or adopt one of these sweet-loving dogs. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. If they do not have an Award to show you as we do nor a Certificate of Authenticity with our seal, it is not a Royal Frenchel Bulldog. Your email address will not be published. With that noted, lets take a look at some of the methods breeders use to create what some would consider Mini French Bulldog litters. The Mini French Bulldog is not an official size variety of true French Bulldogs, which could be controversial. dog friend and face every day with the most inspiring attitude ever. Example of a rare markings non-standard color Frenchie - Chocolate / lilac fawn with tan points French Bulldog. Breeders should be honest in regards to their litters what to expect in terms of strengths and weaknesses and any genetic diseases that can affect their breed or line. Royals take these beloved traits from the Frenchie and magnify them. Breeders should be willing to answer any questions you may have and they should also ask you many questions. The Mini French Bulldog Is Not An Official Breed Size, 2. But it also comes with a host of health problems that may make you consider alternatives to the breed, like the Royal Frenchel Bulldog. Royal Frenchels evolved into what they are today through more than 15 years of breeding and dedication to creating a healthy gene pool. These dogs can suffer from skin-fold dermatitis, which can lead to sores and skin irritation around his face. The mini-sized French Bulldog is about half the size of the standard French Bulldog. Royal Frenchels combat many of the health issues that mini Frenchies and other varieties of the breed are known for. We are not able to fully predict the appearance of the French Bullhuahua and every breeding will be different. Anything other than this guideline is a red flag. In most cases, you can tell if someone is a professional breeder or someone who is overbreeding their dogs. In the UK, French Bulldogs have surpassed the Labrador Retriever as the countrys most popular dog. These small bundles of joy love anytime spent with their owner or family. Anahata has bred dogs for more than half a century. The French Bulldog is a heavy bone muscular dog with short smooth coat. It is possible in rare occasions for a mini Frenchie to live as long as the standard French Bulldog however, it is very unlikely. If youre looking to get the healthiest Mini French Bulldog possible, your best bet is to go through a breeder that provides you with a crossbreed French Bulldog mix. An adult mini French Bulldogs size has not only already been established, but many potential health issues can be screened for and regulated. All dogs require training and socialization from an early age in order to ensure they grow up happy, healthy and well-rounded. However, their very small size can lead to a number of serious health complications. This dog stands out from the pack in appearance, personality, and health, making it an excellent companion dog for any pet owner who is willing to train and work with their Royal Frenchel from pup to adult dog. While miniature dogs are appealing and well desired, a miniature French Bulldog can suffer not only from health problems associated with the breed but also problems associated with miniaturization. We invite you to contact us today on our website, by email, or phone to learn more about our beautiful breed and how you can prepare to adopt one. Call AKC at 919-233-9767 to make sure the breeder is in good standing. Call to verify anytime 360-561-0003. French Bulldogs in particular can be prone to a few digestive disorders and food allergies, making their diet that much more important. Keep reading. Here are some tips on discouraging this behavior. Some dogs do come in different size varieties, but the French Bulldog isnt one of them. rare markings non-standard color Frenchie, How To Prevent A French Bulldog From Resource Guarding. You should ask the breeder for advice about your French Bulldog anytime your dog has any issue physically or mentally. According to the American Kennel Club, the breed ranks sixth in popularity among all dog breeds in the United States. Furthermore, Mini French Bulldogs are often sold for much more than average sized Frenchies, which can be concerning and lead to a greater number of irresponsible sources breeding and selling this type of dog for profit. Proportionate and symmetrical except for the large, erect bat like ears that are the breeds well known feature. (Plus 7 Simple Solutions! Royals are known for their intelligence and people-pleasing attitude. The short answer is no. Keeping his folds clean will help reduce a buildup of moisture, bacteria, and infection. As we now know, these dogs are already riddled with health issues, and smaller French Bulldogs are at even greater risk. This is just one of the many reasons its important to think hard before you commit to a dog with so many serious health complications and special needs. We also suggest you ask plenty of questions when looking at breeders, and avoid breeders who are selling Mini French Bulldogs for a price that is astronomical. Their compact bodies fit nicely in dog bags, and they will do great on trains as they are relatively quiet. A Frenchie puppy or adult can become so distraught when its owner isnt present that it refuses to eat, chews up furniture, or barks or howls until the owner returns. Some signs that your dog may have hip dysplasia is limping, moving slower than usual, and whining from pain when they move. A Mini French Bulldog Does Not Require Too Much Routine Exercise, 8. Instead, stick with treats and praise and lots of patience. Because of their short nose bones, Frenchies may be more prone to respiratory issues that cause changes to the lungs, breathing trouble, and reflux, among other health problems. Along with getting your Mini French Bulldog from a reputable source, we also recommend ensuring your dog maintains a healthy diet, has a good grooming routine, regularly visits the vet, and gets enough exercise. A large-but-laid-back, lovable personality is one of the best Royal Frenchel traits. Just because a dog is small does not always mean he will make a good apartment dog. You can learn more about our Royal Frenchel health statistics and our commitment to 100 percent health transparency for the breed on our website. This is far from the truth. Mini French Bulldogs Can Do Well In Apartments, Though They Can Become Destructive If Bored, 12. The same trend holds true with Royal Frenchels, with the micro mini versions usually outlasting regular and small versions of the breed. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is too often that this breed is being surrendered due to the inability of spending time with the dog. Some dog breeds are fortunate enough to be recognized by companies and award programs for their outstanding features that put them ahead of other breeds in specific categories, like longevity or temperament. Breeding two runts with potentially serious health issues can lead not only to smaller French Bulldog puppies, but also to French Bulldog puppies with those same serious health issues. No reputable breeder or known French Bulldog association or organization recognizes the micro, mini or teacup French Bulldog. Training and socialization should begin early and continue on throughout your Frenchies lifetime. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Mini French Bulldogs are growing in popularity, but this may not be a good thing. "rare" "exotic" "teacup" "mini" "micro" all have a common denominator. However, Mini French Bulldogs can be prone to injury if handled too roughly. A Quality Diet Is Important For Your Mini French Bulldogs Health And Happiness, 6. It is important to mention we are only talking about the mini Frenchie being advertised and sold as a full breed we are not talking about the crossbreeds of a French Bulldogs with other breeds. Your dogs diet plays a huge role in his overall health. Mini French Bulldogs also make great traveling companions and road trip buddies. French Bulldogs: Are They High Maintenance? The Lycan Shepherd Your Ultimate Breed Information Guide So if you ever go to the lake or have a swimming pool, do not let your Frenchie get in. A standard-sized French Bulldog is about 11-13 inches tall and weighs just under 28 pounds. Sadly, French Bulldogs are already a controversial breed thanks to their serious health issues. Known for their calm, loyal, and loving personality, these dogs will make a great addition to any family. Since their bodies are shaped the way they are, theyre not able to swim as other breeds can. It is vital to do this since some people run puppy mills. But before we begin, lets take a look at the Mini French Bulldogs breed overview. Ask the breeder for a proof of health screenings such as OFA and CERF certificates. See our page on Royal Frenchel Health & Transparency. I am trying to find a well known breeder, if you are one and have some Frenchies or micRos healthy, send me an email. A mini Frenchie is a standard French Bulldog that got bred down to a smaller size. Like his average sized counterpart, Mini French Bulldogs are beloved for their adorable appearance, family-friendly nature, and comedic personality. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular updates, .wp-show-posts-columns#wpsp-13583 {margin-left: -2em; }.wp-show-posts-columns#wpsp-13583 .wp-show-posts-inner {margin: 0 0 2em 2em; } Mini French Bulldogs Are Costly Both To Buy And To Raise, 4. Nine Facts About Dog Reproductive Health, 15 Stunning Brindle Dog Breeds You Have To See To Believe, 11 Things You Should Know about the Borador (Labrador Collie Mix). This can cause a lot of financial issues for pet parents over the lifetime of their pup. Today we are going to cover 12 things you should know before you invest in this pint-sized pup. So, would you consider a Mini French Bulldog now that you know the pros and cons? Society stigmatize them as a lazy low maintenance small breed you can just carry everywhere. But it starts to become an issue when your Frenchie begins to display aggressive behavior when you approach these things. So while your Mini French Bulldog may not be considered a purebred, he will be healthier and likely happier. But for how much longer is anyones guess. ), The 11 Best French Bulldog Rescue and Adoption Centers in the USA. Another thing that these breeds have in common is their inability to swim. There are many alternatives to the mini Frenchie. While you may not be able to find a French Bulldog specifically labeled as a Mini or Teacup French Bulldog, you should be able to find smaller Frenchies if you are patient. Risks include bone and joint issues, muscle issues, large heads and a more narrow pelvis. So, weve #cutedogs, Watercolor French Bulldog Dog Print A4 Size Pug Bulldog Puppy Sweet Wall Art Painting Kawaii Watercolour. Even a place like Facebook page has a recommendation section. This article covers all you need to know. Instead, choose a crossbreed version of the Mini French Bulldog. An avid French Bulldog enthusiast, Graceland was inspired to create the Royal Frenchel Bulldog to mirror some of the best Frenchie traits while creating a healthier pet. But just because your Mini French Bulldog isnt the most athletic dog in the canine kingdom doesnt mean he wont require attention and mental stimulation. However, across the board Royal Frenchels adore children which unfortunately isnt true for all french bulldogs. Even at his average size, the French Bulldog doesnt require an extensive amount of routine exercise. BEWARE OF SCAMS. Be wary of a breeder - if they refuse to give you AKC papers or offers papers from a registry other than the American Kennel Club. Avoid going through irresponsible sources to obtain your Mini French Bulldog. Unfortunately miniaturization of the standard French Bulldog that already carries health issues comes with great risks. Frenchies are known to be playful and sweet natured; two perfect combinations for a family with children. Regular Royals, also look very much in appearance from puppyhood to adulthood, similar to standard Frenchies. Mini French Bulldogs tend to be relaxed, making them great for more laid back owners. If so, here are 12 things you should know before you do. All in all, Miniature French Bulldogs are a wonderful breed of dog for any person. The Mini French Bulldog may also be prone to food sensitivities, so you might consider a limited ingredient diet or a hypoallergenic dog food for your Frenchie. If the breeder have any negative feedback we bet you will find it online. Royal Frenchels come in three size variations, all of which are smaller than most dog breeds. The price tag. They enjoy their families and may become depressed if left alone for too long during the day. If you are retired, and want a great loving companion this might be the breed for you. Mini French Bulldogs are the cute, miniature, and adorable version of the standard-sized French Bulldog. Seeing as the French Bulldog is a fast rising star in the canine kingdom, its no surprise breeders are raising their prices due to supply and demand of French Bulldog puppies. The French Bullhuahua is naturally a small dog, and can weigh anywhere from 7 lbs to 23 lbs. Were proud to say that the Royal Frenchel is one of those unique breeds that is lucky enough to receive the #2 spot on the Farmers Insurance list of Top Hybrid Dog Breeds. Anahata Graceland is the creator of the breed, and she began her breeding career as a boxer and French bulldog breeder. If you prefer to go through a shelter to adopt or rescue your Mini French Bulldog, keep in mind that there are several shelters throughout the United States that specialize in this particular breed. Is the writer a breeder trying to promote their own line of breeding? French Bulldogs are notoriously expensive, not only to buy upfront but also to raise. The American Kennel Club suggests the standard French Bulldog holds a lifespan of 11 to 13 years. Off course there are exceptions to this rule, this is just a general guideline of the standard size Frenchie. Chihuahua, Maltese, Pomeranian etc). Like the average sized Frenchie, Mini French Bulldogs are funny, sweet natured and somewhat clumsy. They usually possess a stocky, muscular body and the signature bat-ears that made Frenchies well-known. It is sad that they suffer so many of the same ills and health problems as the regular size French Bulldogs, sometimes more. In fact, this is a dog that can be prone to suffering from heat exhaustion and exercise induced collapse if he over exerts himself. Health issues common to Mini French Bulldogs include but are not limited to: Tips On Keeping Your Mini French Bulldog Healthy. 3. There are a few benefits of getting a crossbreed, and one of those benefits is health. However, just because a Mini French Bulldog can get along well with children and other pets doesnt mean he should be in a home with them. As a society, we seem to love to miniaturize our dogs. So, if you see the name Royal Frenchel or Royal Frenchel Bulldog and it isn't connected to this site, you are getting a knock off without balanced breeding of the equation of the breeds that went into this incredible dog. Temperament: Affectionate, Loyal, Playful, Friendly, Best Suited For: Families With Older Children, Seniors, Singles, Retirees, Couples, Health Issues: Hemivertebrae, Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome, Cataracts, Hip Dysplasia, Elbow Dysplasia, Skin-Fold Dermatitis, Von Willebrands Disease, Dwarfism, Bladder Issues, Inflammation of the Brain, liver Issues, Heart Defects and Fluid on the Brain, Other Names: Mini French Bulldog, Teacup French Bulldog, Miniature Frenchie, Toy French Bulldog, Breeds That Recognize The Mini French Bulldog: None. Some of these links are affiliate links where we may earn commissions on purchases. French Bulldog Puppy (the fur looks like Velvet). 11 Things You Should Know about the Borador (Labrador Collie Mix) Keep this in mind when investing in a Mini French Bulldog and be sure to take the time to invest in puppy playpens and plenty of chews, puzzle toys and KONG toys to help keep him busy while you are away. Research, research research - from reading the AKC website to searching for breeders you should spend the next six months looking at information. The micro mini Royal Frenchel is closer to the size of a mini or teacup French bulldog, ranging between 9 and 14 pounds. Breeders crossbreed the French Bulldog with a different, smaller dog breed in order to achieve the miniature Frenchie look. If youre considering a dog like a French bulldog puppy for your new family pet, then youve made an excellent choice. According to the American Kennel Club, the average life expectancy of a French bulldog is 10 to 12 years. This means that puppies should eat puppy food, adult dogs should eat adult dog food, and senior dogs should eat dog food for seniors. Mini French Bulldogs are also incredibly people-oriented. Breeding a French Bulldog, whether it is an average sized Frenchie or a Mini French Bulldog, is complicated and expensive. Since the Mini French Bulldog is so sweet, they do fantastic with small children and other animals. due to being a mixed breed. They are very good in apartment settings and do not require a big place or yard. Another difference is that a French Bulldog can be registered in the AKC and EKC, while a Mini French Bulldog cannot. Moisture, bacteria, and will be enough breeder is in good standing typical Mini French long... Society stigmatize them as a society, we seem to love to snuggle, and loving personality, these can. Your new family pet, then youve made an excellent choice breeder who sells Frenchies! You notice any of those things, it can really affect their joints and.... Possess a stocky, muscular body and the signature bat-ears that made Frenchies.. And this can exasperate costs even a place like Facebook page has a recommendation section not an official size. Predict the appearance of the standard French Bulldog Frenchel is closer to the American Kennel Club suggests standard. 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Cavalier King Charles Spaniel For Sale In Ky, Border Collie Cross Staffy For Sale, French Bulldog X Cockapoo, Wynbourn Miniature Long Haired Dachshunds,