How much exercise do they actually need to stay healthy and content? Some breeders try to say that Rhodesian Ridgebacks dont shed at all. please install the latest version of Flash. Its great that youre active as well and that you have various places nearby to take your dog to, but on the other hand you being away approximately 9 hours during the day could be a problem. Contact your regional animal shelters, discover yours here. The exception is if they become alerted to some type of threat or disturbance. Also, I live in a two bedroom apartment. Hide ALL food: You might think your Rhodesian Ridgeback cant get to it, but its not worth the threat. Today's question is from a reader who's wondering if the Rhodesian Ridgeback would fit in his life. Being at the apartment will allow you to interact with your ridgeback, train, play, and keep him company. The content published on this website is for informational purposes only. Here are some practical ideas to apartment train your Rhodesian Ridgeback. It's not a size issue, it's an energy and mental stimulation issue. Despite being such large dogs, Rhodesian ridgebacks can adapt to apartment life surprisingly well. Try to get out with your Rhodesian Ridgeback as typically as you can, go for everyday strolls. 1. Of course, this depends on the dog and some dogs dont mind being alone at all. The situation to get the dog you want, I just think its silly to call it torture. If you don't want a couch potato then defi.itself wait until you are I. You might be assuming you require a big house with a huge fenced-in outdoor location to have a pet dog. There are some pet dog breeds that are normally not permitted or allowed to stay in apartments. When I relocated, he and my heeler mix stayed in an apt for about 10 hours a day. Want to give your pup yummy, low-calorie treats? 2015 - 2022 Barking Royalty. The content on the PetSmitten website is not intended to replace professional medical advice from licensed vets. Powered by Brightspot. Find out about the Rhodesian Ridgebacks apartment friendliness, apartment training tips and how to puppy proof your unit below. Specific canine types may be thought about not apartment or condo friendly for factors such as their size, energy degree, noise, upkeep and also upkeep. Big dogs can be fantastic condo companions, but before you bring one home, make sure youve covered all the bases as far as caring for him. Vetstreet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. He tends to be a one-person dog, often has a calm nature and generally house-trains easily. On walks, he often graciously accepts attention from people stunned by his size. The Puppy Mag is for all owners who are invested in the health and happiness of their furry friends. Lets take a look! Is this doable? Would you agree, in your opinion, that a Ridgeback would be a good choice for me based on the above? Try keeping them in a room or space that would be easy to clean, preferably vinyl flooring or tiles. An older dog would probably do OK being left alone. The first stumbling block for most would be having a full-time job that requires you to be out of the apartment for more than 3-4 hours at a time. It is recommended that this exercise is dived between several long walks and some off-leash fitness in a fenced, safe area. Our vet experts provide dog owners with advice that help our four-legged friends lead the life they deserve. This is very important. I have previously had whippets and a Doberman Pinscher through my childhood. Native to South Africa, the Rhodesian Ridgeback was used to track lions and other large game. Admittedly because I work from home so I am here all day and she gets two walks about 6 hours apart each day. 1. Big dogs get a bad rap as apartment dwellers, but its one thats undeserved. 9 1/2 hours is a long time, especially for a puppy. Ultimately, its up to you to determine whats necessary and well sure that youll be a great dog owner! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Contact the RSPCA or visit the RSPCA Lost Pets website. There are so many questions that we ask about our dogs and puppies on a daily basis, yet there just isn't an appropriate article made for them. I put a doggy door out to the balcony but I don't remember any accidents. Big Dog Basics: Everyday Issues for People With Giant Breeds. 2. The best running partners would probably go bonkers, but I do not think 9 1/2 hours would be torture for every dog out there. Im not here to command or tell anyone what they should or shouldnt do, if your routine allows for it, then go for it! Register the missing pet on the Local Facebook Lost Pets Groups. I have a ridgeback mix. To reclaim your lost dog, cat or other pet from the animal shelter you must pay a release fee. This can be achieved by simply taking your Rhody there as often as possible to eliminate, using a chosen potty time command, and praising heavily whenever he successfully goes in the correct spot. Ive got two young nieces who I would be introducing to the dog from a young age to socialize him/her, as well as several friends with dogs who I will also be introducing the dog too. On top of that, its a plus that youre not a first-time dog owner, as this breed can be stubborn and will need a firm and consistent owner. Not only do you need to have the time to exercise your ridgeback around 2 hours per day (ideally once in the morning and once in the evening) but there needs to be a suitable place to go like a big park or open grassy space. Having a backyard is of course a huge advantage when owning a dog, especially one that loves to run around and use as much space as they can, like a ridgeback. Hopefully this video helps! 2. 2001-2022 According to experts, Your Ridgeback will need a minimum of two hours of exercise every day.. 2. When they receive an appropriate amount of attention and exercise, Standard Poodles are generally satisfied to lounge during the day while youre gone and are unlikely to bark for attention. And they need to be ran for hours a day. Pets are generally considered property and it is illegal to take and keep someone elses property. I'll probably have to wait until I move to an apartment closer to work so I can stop by during my lunch break. Read More, Not really. White Labrador Retriever Is This Breed For You? Check out our collection of more than 250 videos about pet training, animal behavior, dog and cat breeds and more. If your Rhodesian Ridgeback Dog or any other pet has gone missing and it does not have an identification tag with a phone number, you can: Theres nothing wrong with having a dog the size of a Rhodesian Ridgeback in an apartment as long as there is ample space within the layout for the dog to walk around freely. 1. He was probably about 3 then. 4. Future pet dog owners who live in homes are often pickier and also much more specific on the exact canine breed they intend to find. Take the pet to your regional animal shelter, discover yours here. 4. Sitemap 5. Report your missing pet details at Pet Reunite website here. Establish appropriate boundaries: No matter how cute your Rhodesian Ridgeback is, do not let them sleep on your bed. What does this size dog look like in a smaller space? Their size gives them an intimidating appearance, but only you and your closest friends need to know that your dog is a lover, not a fighter. Do I have time to walk him several times each day. Leave great deals of toys while youre out: Rhodesian Ridgeback pups can get rather naughty. This typically aloof and dignified dog was seemingly designed for apartment or condo living. They are relatively inactive indoors and do best with a large yard. This may be the biggest point of concern for anyone considering living with a Rhodesian Ridgeback in an apartment. This typically sensitive, sweet and calm dog will take up a lot of space in a tiny apartment or condo, but as long as you remember to step over him, hes generally a gentle and quiet companion. Female stats are 24 to 26 inches/70 pounds. 3. The short hair on these dogs helps to cut back on odors. is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program. Good luck, we hope this e-mail was helpful! How much are Rhodesian ridgeback puppies? English Mastiff: The English Mastiff are not recommended to live in apartment or condos as they drool a lot, call for plenty of everyday workout, as well as require routine grooming. Since we get a lot of questions from readers, we thought it would be a good idea to share some of them here from time to time. Again I dont own one, these were just reasons I decided not to get one. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. You love big dogs, but you live in an apartment or condo. Also, they are hypoallergenic, meaning they do not lose hair. I was curious if a Rhodesian Ridgeback would work well with my current situation. Again, this may not be necessary, but its a good idea to know that you have that option just in case. They are active as puppies, no doubt about it, but when they reach maturity, they are generally content to snooze on the sofa between walks. Your ridgeback must feel safe, secure, and calm in your apartment, and the neighborhood in which you live can have a dramatic impact on this. When Do Rhodesian Ridgebacks Go Into Heat? Choose an Irish Wolfhound only if you wont mind being stopped every few steps by people wanting to know how much your dog eats, asking if their kids can ride him (the answer should always be no) or jovially joking about how youre walking a pony. According to the AKC, the stats on the average male Rhodesian Ridgeback are 25 to 27 inches/85 pounds. This isnt constantly the case. Thinking about setting up the second bedroom as a "doggy" room with a crate. Privacy Policy For more information about the Rhodesian Ridgeback check out the video below! The Great Dane is another surprise contender for a condo or apartment companion. With his razor-sharp teeth and appetite for antics, a Ridgeback pup will need plenty of supervision and training to make sure he doesnt damage anything. Of course, it also depends on each dog's unique personality. Size of apartment and dog really arent the issue. The grass is always greener. Havanese: Havanese dogs are great for home living since theyre little in dimension, nice and peaceful, much easier to educate, as well as not too energetic. 1. The Doberman is still going strong but lives with my parents. Your Rhodesian Ridgeback must know they sleep on their own bed, not yours. Move any damaging electronics, cords, charges and pick up any small products that they could choke on. For dog owners, this can be challenging. 2. If there was ever an age that belonged to my girl, it is this one. Keep your Rhodesian Ridgeback pup kept in one spot: While youre out and about, its advised you leave them restricted to one small area. It is against the law to keep any animal that you find. As many of you are having the same doubts, we decided to share his e-mail here. Nowadays, scaling down or selecting apartment living has ended up being more common. The Smell Factor: Are Rhodesian Ridgebacks Clean Enough for Apartments? Register the found pet details at Pet Reunite website here. After all, even a Rhodesian Ridgeback kept in a large home with a sprawling yard wont necessarily get what it needs if the owner doesnt take initiative to provide the dog with safe, controlled access to the outdoors. Although, this list details one of the most common pet dog breeds not admitted apartments: Losing your Rhodesian Ridgeback dog can be terrible both for you and your Rhodesian Ridgeback. Some apartment blocks might not even allow dogs, and some others, actually have a specific list of breeds that they will and wont allow. A lot of apts have rules on dog size so it can limit your options. I wouldn't get a puppy, but would probably get a younger dog: 1-3 years old. Owners who keep Rhodesian Ridgebacks outdoors for large portions of time find that the twice-a-year shedding schedule is very precise. Sure, apartments are generally much smaller, but as long as you have the time, dont mind sharing the space, and prioritize your ridgeback, then nothing else matters. Although it seems unlikely, with enough consideration of your ridgebacks routine and your own routine, you can make it work. Its great that you want to be a responsible dog owner and get all the information before you make a decision. Let us know! Founded in 2015, we want to be the first resource you come to for all your dog-related concerns. Report the found animal information on the Pet Reunite Lost & Found website here. 1. If youre considering moving into an apartment (or already are) youll want to know just how well a large dog like the Rhodesian ridgeback can adapt to apartment life, if at all. Follow these pointers to assist reunite with your Rhodesian Ridgeback quicker. There can also be some variation from dog to dog. Find your local Lost & Found Pet Groups and sign up with as a lot of them as you can, discover yours here. I personally have friends living in apartments with a Ridgeback thats very healthy, happy, and has a great life. To receive medical advice for your pet, please consult with your local licensed veterinarian. Immediate obedience to commands such as Stay and Come may keep your Rhodesian Ridgeback safe if they slip out of their collar onto a hectic spot with a great deal of traffic. 2. Take the animal to the local Vet Clinic who usually scan the animals microchip and contact the registered owner of the pet. In that case, you just need a bit of creativity and motivation to keep your Ridgeback well-run and well-loved! The number whose symbol is infinity stood upon its head. The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a beautiful and intelligent dog, so we understand why youre thinking about this particular breed. Due to this dogs short coat, shedding with a Rhodesian Ridgeback doesnt mean clumps of honey-colored fur collecting all around the house as you might get with some fluffier breeds. 1. Ask yourself the following questions: If you can answer yes to all these questions, here are eight breeds to consider. 5. There is even a little variance within this shedding schedule. Nobody wants to be the neighbor with a loud, disruptive dog when living in close proximity to shared walls. Living in an apartment will not take anything away from his ability to feel fulfilled and happy. /r/dogs is a place for dog owners of all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience to discuss all topics related to dogs. If youre residing in a home, there are still several dog types that will adjust well. Moral of the story; 9.5 hours is extremely long, but in my experience with my own dog and speaking with other ridgeback owners my whose dogs are friends with mine, they are extremely active but if exercised enough can be quite calm when relaxing at home. Here is a listing of the 3 best canines for homes. Recommended read: How much are Rhodesian ridgeback puppies? The good news for future dog owners looking for breeds that will allow them to keep their apartments neat is that this breed doesnt shed constantly. 2. I am single and work full-time. Pug: Pugs are known for being no-violent, calm, and also kicked back pets. Rhodesian ridgebacks are very in touch with their survival instincts, and so if your neighborhood is not quiet and calm, then all the noise and commotion will keep your ridgeback on constant high alert. The exercise requirements for this breed are pretty specific. Often they are quieter than smaller dogs, too. 2. A person planning to have Rhodesian Ridgeback as an apartment dog must have the work schedule, lifestyle, and desire to devote at least two hours of outside time daily. So this is very important to check beforehand. Breed limitations can differ depending upon the homes monitoring. Vetstreet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 2022 Marking Our Territory Additionally, your apartment block might have a yard, but it might not allow dogs to use it. one person works, the other doesn't or works part-time or families that stagger coming home at different times in the day. When Ridgebacks Can & Cant Live In Apartments, Potty Training a Ridgeback Inside an Apartment, ? Hills Science Diet Sensitive Vs Purina Pro Plan Sensitive. Vetstreet. And this is not good enough. Considering we get many similar questions from future dog owners, we thought it would be a good idea to post it here. Make sure all food is concealed and out of reach especially chocolate, nuts, and sweet. (Not sure HOW accurate that is thats just what the documentary said.) You might think your choice of canine companion is restricted to purse-size pups, but many people are surprised to learn that living large is often the way to go when choosing a dog for a small space. Rhodesian Ridgebacks are also typically very consistent and effective self-groomers. Rhodesian Ridgebacks will do okay in an apartment as long as they get enough exercise. Keep an eye out for any responses or others posting about the exact same pet. As long as your ridgeback receives sufficient exercise and time outside of the apartment, hell be for the rest of the time inside one. Note: Barking Royalty isnt a veterinary provider. He is considering his activity level, his working hours and living situation in order to be sure that this is the right breed for him. Many other owners, and certainly breeders naturally go against the idea, and of course, I can see why. Phone the nearby vet clinics to see if someone has handed in your missing pet. (What You Need To Know), 20+ Low Maintenance Dogs For Apartment Life, 14 Best Medium-Sized Dogs For Apartment Life. Infant gates might also work to close off certain locations. A pug will seldom ever bark only in cases where they are exceptionally starving or threatened. Nevertheless, if youre constantly out this might not be the type for you as they do require a great deal of firm and also affection. They will need to know that youre about to get a dog, and there might be some extra noise coming their way. If you find a Rhodesian Ridgeback Dog or any other pet and it does not have an identification tag with a phone number, you can: Puppies are active, of course, but as the Mastiff matures, he tends to slow down to a stately pace. 2. Given a good walk or play session, a mature Ridgeback is usually happy to loll around an apartment or condo all day, breeder Denise Flaimsays, but count on hijinks from a puppy. It would only work if you could bring the dog to work with you, could come home on your lunch break or could hire a dogwalker/daycare or a combination. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pets are an excellent selection for future owners staying in houses as theyre petite, smart, playful, but not too high in energy. This elegant sighthound is rightly nicknamed the 40-mph couch potato. Life with a Greyhound has been likened to living with a giant cat. Im 27 years old and considering getting a Rhodesian Ridgeback. If the video doesn't start playing momentarily, Dog Breeds With Long Necks 5 Most Dignified Breeds, Agouti Husky Dog That Looks Like A Wolf, 15 Smartest Dog Breeds: Most Intelligent Dog Rankings, Belgian Malinois VS German Shepherd The Ultimate Guide, 30 Small Hypoallergenic Dogs That Dont Shed, The Best Dog Breeds That Get Along With Cats, 15 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Breathing Fast, 10 Reasons Why Your Dog Wont Eat (But Drinking Water), Puppy Vaccination Schedule Shots Your Puppy Needs. Do Rhodesian Ridgebacks make good apartment dogs? One of the standout benefits of houses compared to apartments is that they usually come with a private backyard. Are you living in an apartment unit or flat and considering to get a Rhodesian Ridgeback and need to know whether a Rhodesian Ridgeback Dog is suitable for your apartment? Ultimately, the focus isnt necessarily on where a Rhodesian Ridgeback lives. Can a Big Dog Live Happily in a Small Home? That means that the average Rhodesian Ridgeback is slightly larger than the largest labs. I live in a two bedroom flat on my own. Puppies typically house-train easily and need slow walks on leash to protect their growing musculoskeletal system (no jumping or stairs, please). Lets run through what it would take for this to work out well and why. However, anyone considering this must really be honest and realistic about what they can offer this dog. As typically as you can answer yes to all these questions, here are some pet.... 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Crate Training Great Dane,