Choosing them, after many years of breeding Old English Sheepdogs and German Short-haired Pointers, is a decision I have never regretted. Our family at Rosey Lane Kennels take great pride in our puppies! All Rights Reserved. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Help! As mentioned previously, there are two ear variations of this breed: the completely upright ears of the more common Papillon and the dropped Spaniel-like ears of the Phalne. Feeding good quality food will benefit your companions health. The Papillon has distinctive, large ears which are wellfringed, with coloured (never white) silky hair. They are one of the best dogs I have ever owned. By making sure that your pet can't have puppies, you'll have peace of mind that his or her offspring won t be euthanized in an animal shelter. It is also the name of an adorable breed of companion dog. Check out this useful website to help you determine if a Papillon is the right companion for you, this videoDogs 101 - Papillonor even this videoBreed All About It - Papillon. She is the smartest dog I have owned. The Papillon is a small dog breed with distinctive large, fringed ears that earned it its name, the French word for butterfly. The coat sheds, usually twice a year, and, although soft and silky, it does not grow so long to tangle. The coat is very suitable for dry shampoos too. They are so naturally agile and compete in both national and international trials. A good guard, he is a watchdog who barks at the slightest noise., Getting a pup There were 850 Papillon puppies registered in 2006 so, although there are plenty about, they are not popular in the sense that Cavaliers or Yorkshire Terriers are. They are one of the smartes breed iv ever known. Brown rice is a great alternative to corn based foods. Not driving makes it difficult, but if it is within my area or you could get it to me, I WOULD appreciate it. As Disraeli observed, If you write from the heart you write to the heart and I suspect this article might show signs of bias because, for me, the Papillon is the most attractive of all the toy dogs, rivalling the small utility dogs for charm and cleverness. Their playfulness, beauty, striking intelligence and remarkably lowmaintenance costs make them delightful pets. Enter your zip or postal code above to access our up-to-date directory). If interested in a beautiful Papillon please call us after 5PM. One is 16 yrs young and one is 13.yrs young I also have the largest maltese I ever saw. Give us a call for current pricing, availabilityand/or to be placed on our waiting list. One breeder told me that Papillons have a great sense of fun and give you unfailing love. But he was not for sale and I can understand why, as he soon became a champion. It is our hope that you will enjoy your puppy as much as we have enjoyed him/her. In terms of behavior, male dogs will benefit even more than females from being neutered. But do not let this fool you; the Papillon is a highly intelligent dog which can make a wonderful watchdog and family companion. If there is a problem, the breeders veterinarian will interpret the report and if he concurs, then a replacement puppy will be given. Even in those days the breed known then as the toy Spaniel was popular in England, France and Belgium (which all lay claim to be the country of origin). All of our Papillons will be AKC registered and will meet all the guidelines and regulations required by the AKC. It is our hope that you will enjoy your puppy as much as we have enjoyed him/her. Grooming Despite the coat, the Papillon is easy to care for and requires minimal grooming. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. I have owned three Papillion dogs beforfe and love their breed. (Detailed contact information has been omitted. All puppies come with health guarantee, vet check, current vaccinations, and wormings. Both of these dogs can be found born to the same litters. The absolute sweetest, fluffiest little angels! Age the lifespan for the Papillon is 12-16 years, but some live beyond this. Papillon Breed Review by Angelique Patrick. Colouring Papillons come in any colour (other than liver) with most being black or red and white. Great with kids and despite what many people say, my papillon was great with other dogs. I do not think I influenced her but the Papillon is a breed I have always found attractive, so I was delighted when she asked me to accompany her to the breeder I had suggested to help her select a suitable bitch. To locate a Papillon breeder, enter your 5-digit zip or postal code: See real-time photos and information about the dogs currently in the shelter nearest to you. My mother and father inlaw dog sat a papillon such a lovable smart dog there sheltie passed away now the only dog they are looking for is a papillon awesome dogs we are from bloomsburg pa so it is hard to find one in the area here. Definitely recommend if youre looking for a kind and energetic family dog who loves to play. The breeds history can be clearly traced through 13th century works of art, with the earliest toy Spaniels most resembling the Papillon, seen in Italian paintings, notably those of Titian. Loyal, diva, smart, quirky, quick, agile, finicky, lovable. The first few ingredients listed should all be meat products. This curious inhaled sneeze may be distressing to the dog and his owner but is not thought to be harmful. They need to be able to exercise daily. The Papillon was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1915. Hi we are show people also breeders and looking to buy a female puppy would you have ang for sale if you have could you tell me the price also would you no the cost to send a pup to the above place at my cost. We take great pride in our puppies! She was sure that everyone had come to see her exclusively. They are named for their beautiful large butterfly (or moth like in the case of the phalene) ears. i have a male papillon and looking for a female for him to not be lonely. Deworming every two weeks until pick up will be done on all puppies, First 6 week vaccine will be administered, dew-claws will be removed on day 3 and they will be litter trained. I offered to buy him there and then (something I have done neither before nor since). We will have occasional litters throughout the year. Tricolours should be black and white, with tan spots over the eyes, inside the ears and under the tail. We have done everything to ensure that your new puppy is a healthy and happy one. They really are allsinging, all-dancing little butterflies. The Papillon may look like a dainty toy breed but I can assure you that there is a big dog inside, and that they have no concept of their size in relation to other dogs! This is an elegant, dainty breed bred simply to be with people. Very smart, extremely loveable, there hasn\'t been a dull moment yet. Play will take care of a lot of the breeds exercise needs; however, as with all breeds, play is not enough and the Papillon will need to get out regularly, to walk, run and enjoy a good romp in a safe open area off lead. Their silky coat is multi-colored white with patches of any other color. There is no guarantee or warranty that the purchaser will be able to show or breed the pet. Ihave been looking for a puppy or a young Papillion that needsa love and attention. In my book, All about the Spitz Breeds, I thought I wrote the breed features in a very fair, balanced way, but many readers told me that there was no doubt about those I particularly liked. Here David Cavill explains more about this exciting toy dog breed. The most usual colour is tricolour (black and white with tan spots over the eyes and one on the cheek). So, Im a little partial to the Papillon it seems. The teeth need regular cleaning as they tend to accumulate tartar. They need to know that they are not the boss. We guarantee the puppy to be free of any life-threatening congenital defects, for 1 year from date of birth. We recommend having your new companion spayed or neutered. Some of the best companions are not show quality and will make an excellent addition to your family. Final payment is due at pick up. You can also enjoy your spayed or neutered pet more. The Papillon is believed to be one of the oldest of the toy breeds. See How to Find a Dog. The price we ask for our puppies will depend on the quality. There will not be any cash or credit refunds. They resemble a butterfly when they are alert hence the breed name Papillon, which simply means butterfly in French. 33073854_10214499020101327_5933266353262690304_n, 33313919_10214499022541388_8802030329163415552_n, ROSEY LANE BOARDING & GROOMING KENNEL LLC. She thinks she is a big dog. It is our hope that you will enjoy your puppy as much as we have enjoyed him/her. My pap is the light of my life. Many years ago a friend of mine decided she wanted a dog. Rutherfordton, North Carolina28139 They have loving and playful temperaments and make excellent, faithful, and lively companions. Papillons have been breeding true for hundreds of years and until recently have been one of the best kept secrets in the toy dog world. Our puppies are bred for conformation, temperament and quality. I had a male Papillon named Gizmo for 12 years he died from kidney failure. It is your responsibility to investigate. Agility star! I love the little papillon we bought from Norman Miller in Fredericksburg, OH - great breeder and super nice family - highly recommend. Papillon is the French word meaning butterfly. The Kennel Club (and the American Kennel Club) consider the Phalne and the Papillon the same breed, so both varieties are shown in the same class. Female pets that have been spayed do not go into heat. When someone comes to visit her babies she kisses you. The nails become long and need to be clipped when necessary. A well cared for Papillon will give you many happy years of companionship. He is a most sensitive dog; if you scold him he will gaze at you with eyes full of tears, so much so that one is quite disarmed. Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service. Rosey Lane Kennels offers replacement puppies only. The breed is almost always pleasantly clean and odourless but the occasional bath may be necessary if the dog becomes muddy. I got a papillon from the breeder Norman Miller Very good experience, very healthy puppy. Spaying and neutering may also reduce the risk of certain health problems, offering you more years with your beloved companion. The Papillon is a healthy chap. Copyright 2019 Dogs Monthly. Appearance There is also a variety of the breed which is identical, except that it has drop ears. This is an elegant, dainty breed bred simply to be with people. The prices we ask will be determined on whether the puppy is of show quality or pet quality. We have a questionnaire that any interested puppy parent will need to fill out. His long coat is silky and abundant and easy to look after. Daily combing and brushing is still important though and quite straightforward. my 3 guys mean more to me then any one in my life this breed is so smart.beautfull and friendly ,and they never talk back! Papillons are wonderful and loving little dogs that love to run and play. You can get more information from the books listed and many websites including W and the Kennel Club, which has 12 registered accredited breeders visit In any event, the Papillon emerged in his present form in France, having been bred primarily for companionship. Just as we were leaving, the door burst open and a stunning red and white Papillon puppy tore into the room, leapt on the armchair and flew around on the top of the three-piecesuite before jumping off and skidding to an emergency stop on my lap! Size The accepted standard size varies slightly among different organisations breed standards but generally ranges from 8-11ins (20-28cm) at the withers. He\'s such a happy little dog. I owened a mix of long hair Chihuahua and papillon so lovely and so smart. They may have less desire to roam, to mark territory (including furniture), and, if neutered before sexual maturity, they may be less likely to exert dominance over family members. Of course, given the chance, they love to be spoilt and become lazy but, given a sensible upbringing, they will be lively and always eager to investigate new sounds, smells and pastures. Proudly created with All of our puppies are guaranteed to be in good health and free from visible signs of infection, contagious or communicable diseases when purchased. One little fault, which is a quality, is that he is jealous and does not like people to come near the person he has adopted. I had 2 papillons one passed away last year at the age of 13 and my second on is now 11. it is just the 4 of us living alone in my home The ears are well-fringed with the inside covered with silken hair of medium length. They are named for their beautiful large butterfly (or moth like in the case of the phalene) ears. Firm training and socialization is needed to avoid any snippy behavior. Breed health We are a small breeder of Beautiful Papillon Puppies located in Western North Carolina. Von Willebrands disease (a blood clotting defect) has been reported as has progressive retinal atrophy (bilateral degeneration of the retina), mitral valve disease (a cardiac disease) and a condition which affects some toy breeds called reverse sneezing. If you decide that you do not want to keep the puppy you bought from Rosey Lane Kennels you can return it to us. The Papillon is still officially referred to as the Epagneul Nain Continental (ENC) in non- English-speaking countries and the name Squirrel Spaniel is also used, most likely referring to an earlier standard, in which the tail set is described as curling over the back as a squirrel. Papillons can be found in royal and merchant-class family paintings around Europe. Another key physical characteristic of a Papillon is their curled tail. You will have to come to our kennel and inspect your puppy personally. WE HAVE A WAITING LIST. You can see one curled up on the couch alongside the Venus of Urbino and, in a painting after Largillierre in the Wallace Collection in London, a Papillon is featured in a family portrait of Louis XIV. They both were the easiest breed to train as well as very friendly. Lady Buttercup was the best dog I have ever had. You will have to come pick upyour puppy personally. The colour covers both eyes and the front and back of the ears to give the ideal butterfly look and this is enhanced if, as is preferred, there is a white blaze and noseband on the face. We are located in beautiful western North Carolina in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The Papillon is surprisingly athletic, highly energetic and intelligent. The Papillon makes a good town dog and it is true that they can live comfortably in a flat, but its important to remember that they do have a strong instinct to protect their property, and many will bark excessively at nearby noises, not making the distinction between casual noises and those worthy of a real alarm. All rights reserved. After a great deal of thought, she settled on a Papillon. I have 2 male papillons. Breed history These high energy dogs need lots of exercise. The search tool above returns a list of breeders located nearest to the zip or postal code you enter. They are quick to learn and willing; so this makes the breed very easy to train and most do not need any encouragement to apply their energy to athletic activities. As puppies they begin to grow more hair on and in their ears and on and around their tail and feet. With his wife, Angela, he owns one of the UKs most successful breeding prefixes for Finnish Spitz. Important: has not screened the listed breeders and accepts no responsibility for their reputation or quality. We are located in beautiful western North Carolina in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. All of our Papillons have Champion bloodlines but as with all breeds not all puppies will be of show quality. This story is probably a myth as the Papillon is much more likely to have been developed (as was the Cavalier King Charles) from the ubiquitous Toy Spaniel a breed favourite throughout Europe in all levels of society. They have loving and playful temperaments and make excellent, faithful, and lively companions. He eats little, but very cleanly, is fairly fussy over food and bad smells put him off. All this said, the incidences of these conditions in the Papillon is very low and should not put you off buying a puppy from any reputable source. Hoping to have another one in tri color or mostly brown and white. The tail is long, well-fringed, set on high and arched over back with fringes falling to either side to form a plume. If you are interested in getting a puppy, you may have to book him from a breeder and wait a few months before he becomes available. Butterfly ears The Papillons ears are an essential element of the breed. Like many small breeds, they occasionally have a slipping patella but this is seldom a problem. A $400deposit will hold your puppy for you up to 8weeks of age. Papillons have been breeding true for hundreds of years and until recently have been one of the best kept secrets in the toy dog world. He may be small but the Papillon is highly intelligent, makes a great watchdog and can even outrun a Border Collie on the agility field! He loves to be flattered and will give you a thousand kisses if you tell him he is gorgeous. If you get ready to go out he is an intelligent dog who understands perfectly from a nod of head whether or not you intend to take him for a walk or leave him at home to guard the house. Straight away, he will go to the cushion or sofa where he usually lies, waiting patiently, and when you return he will give you a thousand kisses without rancour. The breed is also very tough and hardy, and perfectly capable of handling a fivemile walk. At the same time, and despite their diminutive size, they make wonderful companions and excellent family dogs, although continual stimulation for their active minds and bodies is needed because, unlike many toy breeds, the Papillon is not content to sit and snooze! All puppies will have to be inspected at our kennel by new owners before going to their new homes. Though known to be reserved with strangers, these dogs can also be protective of a human family member, and are good alarm dogs while still affectionate to those they know. DO NOT COME TO MY BOARDING & GROOMING KENNEL LOOKING FOR PAPILLON PUPPIES. Because many Papillons have intense drive and natural speed, their ability to turn tiny, tight circles gives them the edge over larger dogs, and some Papillons are capable of beating Border Collies on some courses! Cover Star Competition (Closes 6th Feb 2020), Lab Beagle joins campaign to end animal experiments, Scottys Little Soldiers: 100km Woof Walk challenge, Richard and Ziggy: Soldiering On Awards 2022. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2022Greenfield Puppies. This is a typical Papillon, however, there are also some of this breed with drop-ears, also known as Phalenes. Back in 1949, a lady called Madame Palthis, wrote an impression of the Papillon in the Belgian Review. Placing our puppies in loving homes is very important to us. He loves being groomed; brush and comb and even perfume please him greatly. He is neither grumpy nor nasty. About the author Show judge, author, writer, broadcaster and founder of the Animal Care College, David Cavill is an advisor to manufacturers, breeders, retailers, conference and exhibition organisers and show managements. From there you can see photos of their pups, find detailed information on their web page and contact them by e-mail, phone and even get driving directions. A licensed veterinarian must examine your puppy within 48 hours of delivery. In recent years, the Papillon has become a small dog star in both agility and heelwork to music. Papillons usually weigh between 6-10lbs (3-5kg). You won t have the mess that comes with the female reproductive cycle or the boisterous, noisy male suitors. We will provide a safe and loving home for any returned dogs. Featuring breed spotlights, seasonal activities, and helpful tips for every level of owner! If you are looking for a papillon that is the right place. The truth is that spayed or neutered dogs, are usually better pets. Very intelligent, loving, and loved to meet new people . Living with a Papillon Papillons are very athletic, enjoying running or chasing, but usually enjoy staying indoors. Temperament and home life Janet Cookson of the Glasllwch Papillons translated it as follows and it is a good, if a little sentimental, summary: The Papillon is a child which remains a child all his life, who loves caresses and returns them and plays about even when old. With no undercoat, they need very little grooming, mostly weekly brushing. For a list of quality foods go,dogfoodanalysis.comordogfoodchat.comand you can decide for yourself what will best suit you and your companions needs. 117 Rosey Ln We will have occasional litters throughout the year. I love this breed they are such good dogs very funny and beautiful at all stages of growth my favorite . Countries whose breed clubs follow the Federation Cynologique International (FCI) standard considers Papillons and Phalnes as two separate breeds. 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